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Sometimes ya just gotta do it

nice buy got one just like that mint in its own box one of the best razors I have balance is perfect you are going to love this razor :biggrin1:
Great find

Am I seeing that right, the blade package is still wrapped? And what ever happened to nice packaging and cases like that. To get something with the same quality and packaging today you would have to pay through the nose.
Back in the day that was like $10? $10 in 1954 was about $80, which I today would get you a pretty nice Merkur, mind you Gillette was making a lot of razors back in they day so the case and blades were probably more just "throw ins"
My $100 EJ Lined Chatsworth came in a cardboard box, and you have to get up into the Joris and Feather Stainless to get nice quality wood cases -- but they're still a far cry from the vintage velvet-lined Gillette cases imho.
My $100 EJ Lined Chatsworth came in a cardboard box, and you have to get up into the Joris and Feather Stainless to get nice quality wood cases -- but they're still a far cry from the vintage velvet-lined Gillette cases imho.

Thats what I am talking about, at some point we became a throw away society and the packaging and cases became less important. I am not quite old enough to remember "the good old days" but I do remember the tale end of it and the decline to bubble packaging and cheap boxes.
Thats what I am talking about, at some point we became a throw away society and the packaging and cases became less important. I am not quite old enough to remember "the good old days" but I do remember the tale end of it and the decline to bubble packaging and cheap boxes.

OTOH, given the choice today to get a great razor for, say, $100 in a carboard box or $130 in a deluxe case, I wouldn't think twice about going for the cheaper option.
That is a fine piece. I was involved in the bidding myself. Congratulations. I am glad to hear you are going to use it. Again congratulations. The razor has a fine home.
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