I own a D01 21 mm knot two band shavemac and have just received a Chubby#1 two band.
It is soon for me to have a definitive opinion. What I would say now is :
-The hair quality is different. The Simpson 2 band is way more luxurious and feels more like a silvertip than the shavemac. Hence, the Shavemac with its bulb shape has more if not much more backbone.
-The chubby handle has a very good ergonomy.I was afraid it would be tiny as my hands are rather large but actualy I can handle it perfectly and it is very confortable to use. Note that I am used to small brushes though.
-Both are great with soap and enables one to face lather a soap with ease. They work with creams but a standart silvertip would do even better for that matter.
-I am impressed by the quality and dense consistence of the lather the chubby creates when I build lather in the palm of my hand. I am tempted to use it as a lather machine and apply the lather thus created with my hand. Like the master barber did in the Mantic video at Truefitt&Hill.
Both are great brushes and I will not yet conclude that one is better than the other.
These are three very different brushes, in my opinion. I have a Shavemac D01 in 20mm, a Simpson Chubby in 2 band super, and a Duke 2 in best. The Shavemac D01 is very dense, and a bit softer at the tips than the Simpson Chubby 1. The Chubby 1 in 2 band super is my favorite brush (in a tie with my Rooney Finest 2/1). The Chubby is also very dense, with great backbone. It eats soaps for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also have a Simpson Duke 2 in Best (it's a Somerset brush). It's tips are the scratchiest of the three, and it's not as dense as either the D01 or the Chubby. I recently had a chance to use a Simfix Duke 3, and it seemed a little denser than my Somerset Duke 2.
All three of the brushes you are asking about are great brushes. If I had to choose, I'd choose the Chubby.
I can speak to the D01 and Chubby but not the Duke. I have a D01 24mm, D01 24mm Two Band flat top, Chubby 2 Two Band, and Chubby 3 Super 3 Band. I will start off by saying I almost exclusively face lather with soaps, with ridiculously big brushes. So my tastes are biased to short dense brushes at a big diameter. What can I say, I'm an odd duck when it comes to brush tastes.
You cant go wrong with a D01 or a Chubby. The D01 3 band is very dense, with monster backbone, and silky tips. I have this brush set at the default loft of 56mm, much taller than I like in any other brush and it is still just right on backbone.
D01 two band, has more backbone than the 3 band, and is even smoother to the face. From time to time depending on my lather I get a touch of scritchyness from the regular D01, but never from my two band. The two band hair seems to be very consistent in diameter unlike most two bands that taper at the tips. The uniformly straight hair lays tightly together, and is almost reminiscent of sorted knots like Rooney Super, in the way it stands together.
Chubby two band is a different beast than the Shavemac. It is more coarse, thicker at the base and thinner at the tips. Shavemac two band is soft wet or dry, but Simpson is skritchy dry. However once soaked for several minuets, the Simpson is very soft, though in a cottony way as apposed to the silky smooth feel of the former. Of all 4 of these brushes the Simpson two band is the least dense, but I would still consider it a dense brush. It has a pronounced bulb shape that is almost peaky, but the tapered hair with soft tips hides this from your face. Wet and lathered it almost feels fan shaped. The hair is also the most wavy of all my brushes. This helps the knot stay together as the hairs catch each other when it starts to splay giving it great backbone.
The Chubby 3 is just a wall of hair. It has the most density, the softest tips, and great backbone. This is a fan shaped brush threw and threw its one big flat surface, packed to dense for the hairs to lay down. It again is at a higher loft than I would set for it 32mm by 57mm aprox. but the combination of density and backbone are just right. I would not move it down if I could.
All 4 options are great, and I dont know what one I would choose if I could only have one. I think the Chubby 3 Super might be my first choice, but it is also my newest. Though I am very very attached to my Flat Top D01 Two band. I hope that gives you some help.