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Soluna razor?

Hi guys,

Very new to Double Edge razor shaving here. Just bought myself a Boots safety razor as a starter, some Wilkinson Sword blades and a badger brush/TOBS St James' combination. Had my first shave on Saturday (albeit with lots of cuts). Have a Edwin Jagger DE89 on the way.

Just picked up this razor in a local shop for £1 ($1.58). I did a Google of it and saw something on here about it but it was a for sale item. Since I know nothing about DE shaving, do you guys know of it at all? I tried it out and the shave was reasonable but I really don't have enough experience to compare it. For that price though, I can't really complain! Cost the same as my pack of blades!

It is a three piece razor with 'Soluna' and 'Made in Czechoslovakia' printed on one of the parts. I've attached images. Thanks!
The best thing to do is get a Slim adjustable so u can know the difference levels of aggression and then u can decide for yourself what razor is best as u get more experienced w shaving:biggrin1:
I had a gold Soluna. It looked good but gave an awful shave for me. It was cheap for a reason I reckon. The blade exposure and cutting angle made it more aggressive than my old Parke 94R. YOu may have better luck than me though. As for old Soviet block razors, I still throw a blade in my LUX.
The best thing to do is get a Slim adjustable so u can know the difference levels of aggression and then u can decide for yourself what razor is best as u get more experienced w shaving:biggrin1:
They seem to be selling for silly money these days.
i have just bought one and it looks to be very agressive - the top cap is in bad shape because of corrosion, but i can always put a diff top on... it seems to me that its the buttom plate that makes it aggresive... havent shaved with it yet tho...
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Recently I bought open comb Soluna razor.It is very efficient for close shaving giving BBF every time.It is agressive razor but for sensitive skin and hard beard is very good. Only good preshave preparation and good blade ,my favorite is Perma sharp and tabac soap.I used Fatip piccolo but Soluna is more efficient.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Yup. Looks like a tech. A very decent razor (the tech). Heck, if you use it and it gives you a good shave then who cares what it cost. Buy another, move on to to a vintage Gillette. What’s it matter as long as you are getting great shaves?

Those open combs, how do they shave in terms of agressivenes and blade feel?

Looks like no one answered you but I did find out.

How do they shave?

I do not rate this shave at all. The razors can be found at low cost so if you buy one cheaply then understand its value is purely in the novelty of owning this razor so that for me makes it something different especially if you snag one for a few dollars.

There is a little blade feel about 4/10 in terms of "aggressiveness" however the shave is very inefficient and you really have to work to get to good shave from it. The top cap is made from an alloy that is heavier than the aluminum base plate and top cap. It's about an ounce in weight. It doesn't feel good in the hand either. A Gillette tech smokes this thing.

You can certainly knock out a shave with it if that's all you had. Would I go searching for this razor to use again now that I've tried it, not at all. I do like the kit especially the canisters... cool historical piece. But that's all, novelty only, like a toy that you win in a carnival, cheap.

I did a shave with it in a video so you can see it in action...

My mother has been shaving her legs with OC Soluna and BiC blades for more than 35 years...it's very light razor, and small.
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