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Soap for sensitive skin

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I picked up some Mitchell's Wool Fat soap. I like it but my skin does not. It makes my skin burn. I've had the same result with other products - Tabac, Musgo Real, Body Shop Maca root and Floris cream.

So far the only soaps that have worked are Art of Shaving lavender and the essential oil varieties of Mama Bear soaps.

I'd like to reuse the Mitchell's ceramic container though. What are some other good soaps for those with sensitive skin?
I was blessed with sensitive skin myself and have run into the same issue with many of the soaps you have listed above. I think it's the lanolin that really does me in.

Here is a list of soaps that work well for me:

Speick (milled down)
Pre De Provence
Trumpers Sandlwood
Castle Forbes Lavender cream (sensitive skin)

Anytime my skin gets irritated I go back to the Speick for a few days and all is well. The soap/aftershave combo is hard to beat. I sometimes will add a little Speick cream with the soap to make a super lather. Very soothing in my opinion.

I'm not really a cream guy but I really love the Castle Forbes Lavender. Pricey but worth checking out.

Proraso white tub is supposedly made for "Ultra Sensitive Skin" but there's something in it that irritates my skin.

I just recently acquired some Provence Sante Green Tea that I really want to work for me but it's not looking so good.

Hope this helps. Let me know what works best for you because it sounds like we have very similar issues with sensitive skin.
Are you using an acne facewash prior to your shave?

I found that made my skin MUCH more sensitive.

If that's not the case, the most sensitive-skin-friendly items I've encountered are:

1. Pre De Provence soap
2. Speick cream
3. Florena sensitive cream
4. The Almond Italian soft soaps - P160, Figaro, Fitness, Cella, Valobra, etc. (assuming you're not allergic to almond scent)
Before I finished reading you post, I was already thinking of AOS. They make an unscented version, you may want to try. I have found AOS to be very gentle on the skin.

Also, I think you might like Provence Sante soap. I have tried the green tea and it produces a nice lather and seems to be mild, too.

Other posters have also made good suggestions. I'm afraid that trial and error will be the only way to really find out for sure. Good luck.
I have sensitive skin and Pre de Provence is my favorite shave soap. Other than that, you may want to try an unscented glycerin based soap from Honeybee or Mama Bear's or mix up your own with the base from Brambleberry.
Looks like Pre de Provence and Trumpers Sandalwood are ones I will check out. And maybe Proraso.

I've tried a Speick shave stick. I remember liking the smell and it didn't bother my skin but the lather it produced didn't perform well for me.
Speick is wonderful! My skin loves it. And it is performs really really well. And the scent of it is fantastic. IMO
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