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So You Want To Try European Aftershaves?

How about you try these famous aftershaves lotions which have stood the test of time and have proven themselves?

$European Aftershaves 1.jpg

$European Aftershaves 2.jpg

In alphabetical order:

No balms, I am a lotions guy. For more information check the reviews section or Google. YMMV.
Comments and feedback on these or any other European classic aftershave is welcome and encouraged!
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actually i hated the tabac at the start, but i like it more and more. Heard good things about the edt aswell. How is the 4711?
Very nice. A light citrus scent. But fleeting fast, like almost all citrus scents.
You can follow it up buy the famous 4711 cologne, or wait a few minutes and apply any edc/edt you like.
The Tabac edc get's a lot of praise, de edt however NOT!
With Speick it is the other way around, the edt is suppose to be very good but the cologne lacking/different from the AS.
I have neither of the edc's/edt's, but both Tabac edc and Speick edt is on my list.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Nice, I took the liberty of adding the wiki link to the original post to the products that we have in wiki.
I have added Pitralon Original (a nice herbal/natural medicine smell, classic) ans Sir Irisch Moos, a fantastic "forest scent"; wet moss & pine needles.
A honorable mention goes out to Myrsol, in particular the Aqua Balsamica.
It would be nice if some of you yanks could do something like this with classic American aftershaves.
It could be a great help to beginning wet-shavers.
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My three favorite aftershaves are on the list; Speick, 4711 and Floid Vigoroso. Speick is the one I reach for the most, and I'm now on my third bottle of it. Musgo Real is on my short list of ones to try. I've heard Alt Innsbruck smells great, but I prefer my AS to have a fleeting scent that won't clash with whatever fragrance I may wear for the day. Is Alt-Insbruck long lasting?

I'm dying to try Tabac AS. I've got everything else on your list but the Tabac... I don't have yet. I love Tabac soap. I could see myself using Tabac everyday all through the fall and into winter.

Is Alt-Insbruck long lasting?
Yes. It's basically a cologne with the properties of a aftershave. It definitely has some staying power.
If you like classical scent you're probably gonna love this one.
I too like Speick, it's effective, with some great ingredients. And the scent is a bonus.
4711 Is delicious in the summer, and Floïd is good all year around.
I'm dying to try Tabac AS. I've got everything else on your list but the Tabac... I don't have yet. I love Tabac soap. I could see myself using Tabac everyday all through the fall and into winter.

Ben you have great taste if you have this many of the list!
If you have the soap then it's even more worth while.
I'm sure you collection of classic European aftershaves is complete in the near future!
We could add a lot to this list. I personnaly really like Denim Original and Denim Chill (blue) aftershaves.
I did not know Denim was a European aftershave. I also don't own it, but it is famous and I have heard great things about it.
You can add it in the text part (in alphabetical order. I will take care of the pictures part.
However I ask of you that you add the brand denim and in brackets you can add which versions are generally well regarded, or all versions.
Please don't add all the different versions separately. I hope this way to keep it less cluttered and easier for quick reference.

Like this
-Denim (Original & Chill are generally well received).

Make sure it's not about what you like, but what is generally well received.
If you're sure it is European than please do add it.
I don't own but also know of the following brands:
Blue Stratos (from the Remark Group, European)
British Sterling (by Dana, formerly by GEM, not sure if European, sot sure of quality). Will try to find some more information.
Pashana, the person who reviewed it talked about a "British week". I always was under the impression it was American.
If it is British; go ahead and add it. I can also add myself, I figured the wiki links out and can link the info.
Any feedback on any of these brands/aftershaves or other (EU) brands is more then welcome!
At this moment I'm only sure about Pashana and Denim. About the other 2 I cannot find a lot of great reviews.
So, in doubt? Leave it out!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I did not know Denim was a European aftershave. I also don't own it, but it is famous and I have heard great things about it.
You can add it in the text part (in alphabetical order. I will take care of the pictures part.
However I ask of you that you add the brand denim and in brackets you can add which versions are generally well regarded, or all versions.
Please don't add all the different versions separately. I hope this way to keep it less cluttered and easier for quick reference.

Like this
-Denim (Original & Chill are generally well received).

Make sure it's not about what you like, but what is generally well received.
If you're sure it is European than please do add it.
I don't own but also know of the following brands:
Blue Stratos (from the Remark Group, European)
British Sterling (by Dana, formerly by GEM, not sure if European, sot sure of quality). Will try to find some more information.
Pashana, the person who reviewed it talked about a "British week". I always was under the impression it was American.
If it is British; go ahead and add it. I can also add myself, I figured the wiki links out and can link the info.
Any feedback on any of these brands/aftershaves or other (EU) brands is more then welcome!

Denim AS is Italian. It's not as popular or common as the other AS that you listed up here. I only tried those two and was very pleased. As I said, this list could be super long if we all add our 5 cents, we will end up naming, probably, all the aftershaves in the compendium... My advice, try the Denim, they are pretty great.
My advice, try the Denim, they are pretty great.

I will definitely try the Original at least.
But my list of shave-products-still-to-try is staggering.
My problem is that I want everything that is great. And there is A LOT...
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