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So what's the latest cure for SSAD?

I just made an order for 6 soaps :nonod:. I already have five different creams and two soaps but for DE shaving, it doesn't matter much to me what I use. It's fine either way. However, now that I started shaving with SE, nothing seem to be quite good enough.
For the next time, is there a shaving store that sells samples of different soaps the way they sell perfume or blade samples?
i think trumpers does sample packs. im not sure of a cure for ssad but you could always pif some of youre soaps that are not quite what you want to someone, *hint* ;)
It's a good idea, aquilla, however shipping from Israel to the rest of the world is too expensive to justify it.
The idea I was thinking about is similar to decanting perfume - A store could either cut a soap from every brand they carry to small pieces or sell shavings of soaps by weight. Either way, it would be a cheaper way to discover different soaps and would be profitable for the store (TPC is a good model in perfume).
DSB, thanks for the links. It's not the scent I care about as the way the product functions under my razor. The way I understand it, each brand makes one or two formulas with different perfumes added later to the mixture so the 11 samples from Taylor are going to act the same. I was looking for a store carrying many brands, so I could sample many formulas.
DSB, thanks for the links. It's not the scent I care about as the way the product functions under my razor. The way I understand it, each brand makes one or two formulas with different perfumes added later to the mixture so the 11 samples from Taylor are going to act the same. I was looking for a store carrying many brands, so I could sample many formulas.

Current shaving soap samples available at The Shave Den Sample Shop:

Crabtree & Evelyn Sienna
D.R. Harris Arlington
D.R. Harris Lavender
Durance L'ome
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Taylor Lavender
Taylor Sandalwood
Taylor Traditional
Truefitt & Hill Luxury
Valobra Almond
Valobra Menthol
Thank you, I bookmarked it and will buy from them if all the soaps I ordered (some on this list) will fail.


My elbows leak
Staff member
The only "Cure" for SSAD is to be marooned on a desert island.

And don't think that if we were that we wouldn't be trying to figure out how to emulsify the milk from the coconuts we were living off of.

The make your own soap idea is a good one, or put out an all points bulletin for someone closer to you physically and see if you could work out some swapping.

Good Luck.
I wish I knew what the cure was...I can't stop buying soaps which I think is ridiculous. If you get the wooden bowl to boot, you're looking at dropping 20-40 bucks depending on the soap. And these things last FOREVER so its really totally unecessary...but I love doing it!

Oh...and thats just soaps. Dont get me started on creams either. This "hobby" is friggin ridiculous!
I wish I knew what the cure was...I can't stop buying soaps which I think is ridiculous. If you get the wooden bowl to boot, you're looking at dropping 20-40 bucks depending on the soap. And these things last FOREVER so its really totally unecessary...but I love doing it!

Oh...and thats just soaps. Dont get me started on creams either. This "hobby" is friggin ridiculous!
At least I got over the cream obsession so I guess I have nothing to complain about.
I have a Col. Conk soap waiting for action while the only soap in circulation is L'occitane, which I love while shaving with DE but not slick and thick enough for SE. It seems like it doesn't end as every day I find the level of soap at the same point, almost frustrating :rolleyes: . Some how, I managed to resist the bowl as the soap was expensive enough.
I'm trying to convince myself that with the last order, I won't have a reason to buy again for a year or two but who am I fooling?!
Cure? Surely you jest. SSAD isn't curable. You can tame it by getting a slew of soaps and creams. You'll think it is gone for good, but it merely waits for you to weaken.

Great post :thumbup1:

EDIT: On a side note, I am cured of all of my ADs. I found a cream, three soaps, one brush, four after shaves (one that matches each cream/soap), one safety razor, and one razor blade that work for me.
Sure there's a cure. Simply purchase them all. You don't need any extras of any of them, as the rotation will last a lifetime with plenty to spare.

That's my plan anyway.


I am such a sad case... buying cheap soaps due to my limited funds. If I ever acquire an expendable income I think I'll really be in trouble :biggrin1:

Really the only cure is bankruptcy
The only "Cure" for SSAD is to be marooned on a desert island.

And don't think that if we were that we wouldn't be trying to figure out how to emulsify the milk from the coconuts we were living off of.

Although they were hundreds of miles from the nearest apothecary, the Professor on Gilligan's Island managed to mix up something or other along these lines. Although the exact recipe was never revealed, its a good bet he based it on coconut milk, and probably also included bananas and the essential oil of Mango and other tropical fruits for scents.

No phone, no lights, no motor car. Not a single luxury ... but those guys were always impeccably well-groomed.
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Great post :thumbup1:

EDIT: On a side note, I am cured of all of my ADs. I found a cream, three soaps, one brush, four after shaves (one that matches each cream/soap), one safety razor, and one razor blade that work for me.

:huh:. Ummmm no I'm not really interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
Letme see. To solve the problem of having too many shaving soaps at any one time, you can try to exhaust them by using them for shower, and shower 2x a day

Ok wait. i think it might be fuelling SSAD instead ..

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