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So this arko thing-

I absolutely hated it - that was some time ago when I was exclusively using creams. Today - got a package with Arko in it....from the beginning - I was not too offended by the scent. As a matter of fact I think may have smelled something sweet and flowery.

Then I lathered it up with chubby.

WOW ! Love the peformance. A little enthusiastic about the scent. I honestly can not say that MDC performs better than this !!!

As a side note - during our last encounter - it conjured up some very strange feelings from an emotional standpoint which I don't feel right now.

A very interesting response to its scent on my part, and it just goes to show that what/how we feel and respond to a certain stimuli, though may depend on the stimuli itself, it also depends on our state of mind.
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I believe Arko's performance is unanimously considered top notch, a lot of people just have a problem with the smell.
I personally don't hate it, but it's also far from my favorites.

Great bang for the buck, though... Can't argue with that.
If Arko would release an Old Spice variant all would be over for the competition(maybe a wee bit of hyperbole). Anyone from Arko reading this?
Sometimes I think people read the negatives about products (Arko especially) and already have it made up in their minds that Arko is going to smell like something from a gas station restroom. The power of suggestion at it's finest, but I always encourage people to at least try it with an open mind and take the ymmv thing seriously. Arko is hard to beat performance-wise, and the scent to me is not offensive. For the price, it's worth a shot to determine yourself if you like it or not.
Arko is a great performer. To me the smell is not terrible. There was just something about the smell that I couldn't get into. If they made an unscented version I would buy it in a heartbeat, grate it into a dish, and add some essential oil to it.
I think Arko is great. I got 5 pucks of it I ordered from "BestShave". I really like the scent. To me it's like a bar of Ivory soap, just a little stronger.
As one guy put it on another thread, "real men use Arko. It is soap and it smells like soap."
To me, it smells like what you would be using to wash your clothes in a stream during the goldrush years. Not a bad scent compared to the clothes before washing. Performance is definitely there but I much prefer Palmolive stick.
I tried Arko for the first time today.
Performance was great but the scent just tolerable at best.
It smells like that thing in the bathroom at my work that goes pssssssttttttttt and makes it smell better in there.

Not sure why they made a really good performing soap and stopped short on the scent.
Sometimes I think people read the negatives about products (Arko especially) and already have it made up in their minds that Arko is going to smell like something from a gas station restroom.

Isn't that being just a bit unfair to gas station restrooms.....:wink2:
The ARKO scent is not unpleasant, its just a soap smell. It is however strong. Very strong. I can easily smell a stick from several feet away.

The Shave however is superb and it's very easy to lather.
Arko should do itself a favor and come out with a rose scent. Then I'd be all over this soap. You'd have a product if two extremes.
If you like Arko you should try a Palmovlive shave stick. After using them both exclusively for a while, I put Palmolive a touch above Arko. They both have odd scents, both are cheap, and both deliver a great shave, but the Palmolive is a little more moisturizing. Arko tends to dry my face out a bit.
I loved Arko's performance and I even KIND OF like the scent. I will not keep something unless the scent amazes me though. If I don't stop by the bathroom once an hour on the weekends to get a sniff of it then I usually don't keep it. Just my personal thoughts!
I found Arko to be a great performer and while the scent wasn't my favourite I'm going to crack it out tomorrow to refresh my memory. This has to be the most polarising soap out there!
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