I decided to finally brave up to try out my darwin for today's shave. Despite being an absolute
piece of art
The razor glided over my face as
smooth as silk
The heft and feel of the razor is
perfectly balanced
giving an absolutely sweet
shave (would have chose a baby butt here, but not sure if that is ok
In all honesty, this razor could possible cure me of DE RAD. I had the best shave of my life today. I've heard that this razor could be described as aggressive, but for me it was the complete opposite. I felt not a single tug and the razor just glided over my face like
a hot knife through butter
I felt so confident I did a four pass shave resulting with not a single
nick or weeper
After one shave this has become my favorite shaver. In fact, I think that I can narrow down my DEs to a Hoffritz Slant, cooncatbob bull mastiff w/ assorted heads (gillette New, Tech, and EJ89), and the darwin. Is it bad that I don't have a real gillette in there? Maybe a Fatboy, but I prefer the darwin and the hoffritz to them all. Now I just need to get my hands on a red-ring eclipse
If you have any chance to obtain a darwin, I strongly suggest you jump on it. This razor is sweeeet!!

piece of art
The razor glided over my face as

smooth as silk
The heft and feel of the razor is

perfectly balanced
giving an absolutely sweet

shave (would have chose a baby butt here, but not sure if that is ok

In all honesty, this razor could possible cure me of DE RAD. I had the best shave of my life today. I've heard that this razor could be described as aggressive, but for me it was the complete opposite. I felt not a single tug and the razor just glided over my face like

a hot knife through butter
I felt so confident I did a four pass shave resulting with not a single

nick or weeper
After one shave this has become my favorite shaver. In fact, I think that I can narrow down my DEs to a Hoffritz Slant, cooncatbob bull mastiff w/ assorted heads (gillette New, Tech, and EJ89), and the darwin. Is it bad that I don't have a real gillette in there? Maybe a Fatboy, but I prefer the darwin and the hoffritz to them all. Now I just need to get my hands on a red-ring eclipse

If you have any chance to obtain a darwin, I strongly suggest you jump on it. This razor is sweeeet!!