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So I shaved with my Darwin Today....

I decided to finally brave up to try out my darwin for today's shave. Despite being an absolute


piece of art

The razor glided over my face as

smooth as silk

The heft and feel of the razor is

perfectly balanced

giving an absolutely sweet

shave (would have chose a baby butt here, but not sure if that is ok :biggrin1:)

In all honesty, this razor could possible cure me of DE RAD. I had the best shave of my life today. I've heard that this razor could be described as aggressive, but for me it was the complete opposite. I felt not a single tug and the razor just glided over my face like

a hot knife through butter

I felt so confident I did a four pass shave resulting with not a single

nick or weeper

After one shave this has become my favorite shaver. In fact, I think that I can narrow down my DEs to a Hoffritz Slant, cooncatbob bull mastiff w/ assorted heads (gillette New, Tech, and EJ89), and the darwin. Is it bad that I don't have a real gillette in there? Maybe a Fatboy, but I prefer the darwin and the hoffritz to them all. Now I just need to get my hands on a red-ring eclipse :drool:

If you have any chance to obtain a darwin, I strongly suggest you jump on it. This razor is sweeeet!!
I really want a Darwin but I'm not paying what I saw the last one on Ebay go for.. almost $500. I want an Eclipse Red Ring too and missed out on the last Ebay one by $18 but it was too close to $200 for it, which I don't think is appropriate for it. Apparently it was to someone else, but not me.
I really want a Darwin but I'm not paying what I saw the last one on Ebay go for.. almost $500. I want an Eclipse Red Ring too and missed out on the last Ebay one by $18 but it was too close to $200 for it, which I don't think is appropriate for it. Apparently it was to someone else, but not me.

Keep your eye out. I actually own 2 and if I told you what I paid for them you probably wouldn't believe me. One I got lucky on as it came in a lot with a very blurry picture that I could barely make out the darwin. The second one was a straight up auction for a darwin and since I already owned one I put in a very low bid and to my surprise I won it. They are both slightly different from each other and I think tomorrow I'll give my 2nd one a go.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
I decided to finally brave up to try out my darwin for today's shave. Despite being an absolute


piece of art

The razor glided over my face as

smooth as silk

The heft and feel of the razor is

perfectly balanced

giving an absolutely sweet

shave (would have chose a baby butt here, but not sure if that is ok :biggrin1:)

In all honesty, this razor could possible cure me of DE RAD. I had the best shave of my life today. I've heard that this razor could be described as aggressive, but for me it was the complete opposite. I felt not a single tug and the razor just glided over my face like

a hot knife through butter

I felt so confident I did a four pass shave resulting with not a single

nick or weeper

After one shave this has become my favorite shaver. In fact, I think that I can narrow down my DEs to a Hoffritz Slant, cooncatbob bull mastiff w/ assorted heads (gillette New, Tech, and EJ89), and the darwin. Is it bad that I don't have a real gillette in there? Maybe a Fatboy, but I prefer the darwin and the hoffritz to them all. Now I just need to get my hands on a red-ring eclipse :drool:

If you have any chance to obtain a darwin, I strongly suggest you jump on it. This razor is sweeeet!!

:thumbup: What blade did you use in it?
Here are pics of a darwin, not sure if it is the same one in question. Pretty sweet looking.


Mine is somewhat different. Same handle, but slightly more rounded corners on the edge. I actually own 2 of these, one has the patent # on the head, the other one has no patent number at all. I'm going to try my other one tonight and I'll get some pics up of both in question.

This may be my last DE shave for awhile though as Ambrose just restored some vintage straights for me and I just got them in the mail today.
From my SOTD today, this is my 2nd darwin. Shaves just as smooth as my first one, though I like the look of my first one better. (I think my 1st one is chrome and the 2nd is SS...I could be wrong though).

Thanks for the pictures, I'm reading this way too early in the morning.
The visuals help it sink in.
Darwin = good. got it. :biggrin1:
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