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so i finally got my pompadour back.

now i need to get my hair used to being combed again, and i figured this would be a good time to try out new pomades. ill order some online next time i get paid, but i prefer getting things locally, so i thought id ask all of you what you use and where you get it. so... what pomades are you using, and where do you happen to find it?
there is alot of different brands listed but nobody really says where they found it, unless its online. i was more looking for what people see in their barber shops and corner stores. thanks for the link though, its become a few pages longer since i last saw it.
I use Brylcreem and find it at most grocery stores around here. I also see Vitalis, Groom & Clean, Crew and VO 5 in grocery stores as well. Walmart carries Tres Flores and I understand some Walgreens and Walmarts carry Murrays. Of course Axe is popular with the young bucks and its available about anywhere.
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I'm an American Crew guy, avail in pretty much any grocery store around here. The 'fiber' has treated me well, the 'forming cream' is also nice. Haven't tried their pomade, but I'm sure it's up to snuff as well.
Hello, first post!

I've been using this stuff: http://www.hawleywoods.com/#!layrite-deluxe-pomade/c1o7a

I got it from my barber in the UK but I guess it's easier to find across the pond. It holds like a traditional pomade, but washes out as it isn't just petroleum jelly and fragrance.

I was a long time user of Black & White but ended up cutting the pomp off as I was sick of the permanent greasy hair that would never wash out with shampoo. Although I did find that the best stuff was this (really cheap from health food shops here) http://www.abea.gr/oliveoil/oliva_soap.html
IMO, try black and white for a nice medium hold pomade.
I know people say "ewww grease" but really, it adds the perfect amount of shine to your hair and it really is not bad for your hair at all. Just wash your hair once every 2-3 day and rinse every night... Just get murrays for like 2$ Or a 6.oz black and white for like 16$ lasts forever, and I have seriously wavy hair and it holds my jelly rolls in place very nicely..better than the super strong murrays..for some odd reason :/

Really, If you are so worried about grease making your hair fall out, just look at the back of any 20$ over priced american crew product, the ingredients list is so small(hard to read with out 100x military grade binoculars), that way they can fit all the chemicals you cannot pronounce onto the label....And they say grease is bad for your hair.

If you want something water soluble because you're not man enough to use what good old grandpa used, get suavecito firme, it holds x2 stronger than layrite super hold. and it smells awesome too.
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Depending on the pomp I have yet to find better then murrays but do to the fact that I hated washing it out and the over all greasy feel lay rite was my 2nd best and I went through about 15 pomades to come to this conclusion. I loved my pomp but in the end it was too much work for the high wedge I had. So now im rocking a smaller comb over pomp and use royal crown because it does not dry stiff and gives a high wet look.
I've been using murrys lately since sweet georgia brown is no longer being made. ive been trying to find black and white but i havent seen it anywhere. i think itll be one of those im obligated to buy online. there is nothing wrong with murrys, its cheap, works great, and isnt really that difficult to wash out. just use some ajax and let it set for about 10 minutes while you finish your shower, rinse, then wash with regular shampoo. its not completely gone but its practically gone. gone enough for me anyway. im just wanting to finally try all the pomades ive been hearing about for years and havent yet. if youre looking for something that holds about the same but is a little lighter in weight than murrys i like dax wave and groom. and if you havent tried dax's vegetable oil shampoo, shame on you. keep up the suggestions and where youre finding your stuff.
I think Sally Beauty is in Austin, check out the Dax product(s). I tend to use the pomade mixed with a little bit of Murray's to get a little additional hold, both are at Sally's and are cheap (my local store also carries the Dax wave & groom but I've never tried that)
In chicago there are alot of places that cary pomade, also I just did allot of online searching and amazon ordering or through the web sites.
I just ordered a tub of **** Grease XXX. I can only deal with water based now, I like to have a clean head on days when I feel like having a clean head....
I also used to say that I couldn't stand the grease + mud combo that I was left with after a muddy cave exploration session wearing Black & White, that was seriously horrible...
Tonight, I started the day with a touch of Neal & Wolf Shape Pliable paste as a base and finished with yellow Layrite, then at 7.30pm put on my helmet and spent a few hours crawling underground, digging and sweating some net level sweat, and on the return, I my have lost the definition a bit but everything was still looking pretty fly in the pub by midnight...
I use Crew Forming cream and get it at Target in a two-fer pack for $16.99. Makes it a reasonable expense that way. I ride my bike to work every day, usually not until 11am and I shower and comb my hair at 630 in the morning. By 9pm when I get home its still looking pretty good. Usually well enough that just a quick change and wet comb will spruce it right back up enough for a night at the bar, sometimes its not even needed.


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