How many of us have been victims of a snipe hunt? I know I was, but when I learned the truth I had a good laugh. So, who of us have hunted the elusive snipe? I think a snipe hunt is a right of passage.
Clearly I don't get the reference, but it is a real bird.
Similar to the Henway I understand.I much prefer the skyhook routine. Good times.
Keith:Doesn't the word sniper stem from the elusive snipe?
Shaving CHENG a "snipe hunt" is an elaborate practical joke played on children or 'tenderfoots'. A group of older children will pick out a gullible victim and lure him or her in with tales of their last snipe hunt, how much fun they had, how many they caught, how delicious they are. Once the victim is thoroughly hooked they invite him to go snipe hunting with them that very evening. For the purpose of snipe hunting the animal is described as a small, furry mammal that will make a good pet if you don't want to eat it. They explain that the best way to catch them is to drive them along a trail or down a gully toward the 'bag man' who is crouching in the dark holding open a big burlap sack. The victim is then led into the woods, placed in an isolated spot and told to stay alert, keep the sack open and not make any sound. The other children go off to begin the 'drive'. In truth they just leave the victim out in the woods in the dark. This may be the origin of the idiomatic phrase, "Left holding the bag" meaning that a person found themselves in an uncomfortable situation through other's deceit and their own gullibility.