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Smooth face, but still have a shadow

Same issue here. Light white skin and a coarse, dark brown stubble.

Didn't Nixon have the same issue, eg during a debate with JFK, or am I thinking of another face/shaving issue he had?
It happens to me too, but for whatever reason I never much figured the cause before (maybe it was my dark dark brown, almost black hair color??? :001_rolle).

I guess, I noticed looking in the mirror after shaving but I've always placed more weight on the feel of BBS vs. stubble than on the look...

In addition to that, I think closing the pores with cold water and AV REALLY helps hide those little dark hair ends. Anyone else (alcohol based aftershave users) notice that the shave looks better after the splash??? :c17:
I too feel that no matter how close the shave, it still looks like I have a shadow when I'm done. Kinda sucks.
Same here. Look around and you'll see A LOT of guys have this. I never noticed it until I started "real" wetshaving and found myself noticing other guy's beards. So many men have this, I don't think anybody even notices it. I didn't. No big deal.

Scince I started wet shaveing I have noticed that most guys have terrible shaves. :tongue_sm
If somehow we could only dye the hairs inside the skin...oh wait God is doing that for me. :lol::lol::lol:

Anybody else notice the white ones grow faster? I ditched the mustache/goatee partly because of the white, wiry nasties that kept protruding from it.

Also, I was breaking out under there :mad3:
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