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SMN shave mug. Thoughts?

Does anyone have the SMN shave mug?


I'm heading to the SMN store on Melrose Ave. next week to pick up some gear for the beginnings of a shave den and wanted to know if anyone has this mug, has seen it in person etc and their thoughts. My thoughts are that it would look nice amongst some SMN shave cream, aftershave and cologne but wanted to know how it performs as well.

I guess if it does just an okay job it could double as an espresso cup.
Looks like it's about $35 plus tax. I'll pick it up next week give it a whirl and post my findings and some pics including razor, brush, soap etc to put the scale of it into context.
I like how the upper part of that mug is flared out. I've found that leaves more rooms for the brush when stirring it.
Honestly, I think that will be rather useless for building lather in, unless the mug is much larger in diameter than it looks in that photo.

To me it looks like the bottom of the mug doesn't have enough diameter to allow for sufficient lather building, and the walls of the mug are rather steep, leading to a heavy clanking sound as the handle of the brush smashes into the walls of the mug.

It might work ok for holding your puck of soap, but I am fairly certain will be useless for shaving as many of these vastly overpriced supposed shaving mugs typically are.

You are far better off just finding a rather deep cereal bowl to build lather in; preferably one that doesn't have steep sides. :thumbup:
If it is designed to hold soap while you load your brush it would likely be OK. I personally prefer a shallow latte mug for that purpose though as it gives me better coverage of the puck.
Honestly, I think that will be rather useless for building lather in, unless the mug is much larger in diameter than it looks in that photo.

To me it looks like the bottom of the mug doesn't have enough diameter to allow for sufficient lather building, and the walls of the mug are rather steep, leading to a heavy clanking sound as the handle of the brush smashes into the walls of the mug.

It might work ok for holding your puck of soap, but I am fairly certain will be useless for shaving as many of these vastly overpriced supposed shaving mugs typically are.

You are far better off just finding a rather deep cereal bowl to build lather in; preferably one that doesn't have steep sides. :thumbup:

I think it depends on the size of the mug. I think it's a handsome mug myself.
I have that mug, and have been using it almost daily for the last two years. I use it to soak my brush before shaving, and it works well for that job. The mug is too narrow to hold a soap, and also too narrow to build a lather in with a cream. I rarely use soaps, and I face lather my creams, so I only need the mug for soaking my brush. That's the purpose I had in mind when I bought it, so I wasn't disappointed.

It appears to be handmade, bearing out the claim on the website - shape and finish are not perfect, but artisanal. To me, it feels a little lighter than it appears; I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Fine China should be light; regular ceramic cups, I don't know. But like I said, I've been using it for two years, and it appears no worse for wear. The mug doesn't do anything another similarly sized and shaped cup couldn't do just as well, but it is attractive and adds a touch of charm and class to the countertop. It is a little more expensive than other apothecary mugs I've seen on offer elsewhere (for instance), but not by much, especially considering it is a branded SMN article.

Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd buy it again (I bought it blindly via the Lafco website), but I'm not sorry I have it. By the way, it's too big for espresso, but it would work well for short to medium cappuccinos or lattes. Dimensions are as follows:

Total height: 4"
Interior height: 3.75"
Diameter at top: 4.25"
Diameter at base: 2.75"
Interior diameter at the bottom: 1.75", approximately
Capacity: 12 fl. oz., approximately
I have that mug, and have been using it almost daily for the last two years. I use it to soak my brush before shaving, and it works well for that job. The mug is too narrow to hold a soap, and also too narrow to build a lather in with a cream. I rarely use soaps, and I face lather my creams, so I only need the mug for soaking my brush. That's the purpose I had in mind when I bought it, so I wasn't disappointed.

It appears to be handmade, bearing out the claim on the website - shape and finish are not perfect, but artisanal. To me, it feels a little lighter than it appears; I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Fine China should be light; regular ceramic cups, I don't know. But like I said, I've been using it for two years, and it appears no worse for wear. The mug doesn't do anything another similarly sized and shaped cup couldn't do just as well, but it is attractive and adds a touch of charm and class to the countertop. It is a little more expensive than other apothecary mugs I've seen on offer elsewhere (for instance), but not by much, especially considering it is a branded SMN article.

Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd buy it again (I bought it blindly via the Lafco website), but I'm not sorry I have it. By the way, it's too big for espresso, but it would work well for short to medium cappuccinos or lattes. Dimensions are as follows:

Total height: 4"
Interior height: 3.75"
Diameter at top: 4.25"
Diameter at base: 2.75"
Interior diameter at the bottom: 1.75", approximately
Capacity: 12 fl. oz., approximately

You have to love this site. No where and i mean no where else can you ask a question and get honest well thought out answers. I am not sure who you guys are here but it is a pleasure to be amongst you....And dimensions to. So cool. Now where is my cereal bowl for lathering....:001_smile
Looks like it's about $35 plus tax. I'll pick it up next week give it a whirl and post my findings and some pics including razor, brush, soap etc to put the scale of it into context.


I spent $1 on an old Field & Stream soup mug at an antique mall. Does a great job as a shaving mug. No need to spend $35.

Oh yeah, I do face lathering now. Better than the F&S mug.
Now where is my cereal bowl for lathering....:001_smile

Best lathering bowl I ever had was a $3 soup bowl from Target. Of course, that was back when I lathered with a bowl.

I spent $1 on an old Field & Stream soup mug at an antique mall. Does a great job as a shaving mug. No need to spend $35.

In my opinion, the only conceivable reason one might want to spend $35 on a shaving mug is if it is intended to have some sort of display value. Prior to getting this, I used a glass mug that I got at Teavana (complete with logo) that worked just fine; but I didn't like the way it looked on the counter, and I was tired of stashing it under the sink every day. With that in mind, the SMN mug was a worthwhile purchase. But if all one wants is function, this mug would be a grossly overpriced acquisition.
In my case the SMN mug will be primarily for its display value. I spent a year studying abroad in Florence and lived across the street from the Santa Maria Novella train station and a block from the church. Had no money back then and was far from the stage in my life when I would be drawn to mens grooming products (although I did manage to develop a taste for Hugo Boss and Armani suits, which are still rather safely out of the reach of my pocket book today) so there's higher value in the mug to me. Especially the handmade, quality look and the SMN lettering. So a nice addition to the countertop and a fancy brush soaking mug it shall be! :thumbup1:

Thanks for the detailed info on the dimensions and overall take on the craftsmanship HoratioCaine. Very insightful!
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