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Small brush

A week ago I ordered an EJ Best badger brush, and it gave me a choice for several sizes and, not paying much attention, I picked the cheapest, smallest one. I just got it in the mail yesterday and WOA I didn't know it would be that small! 19mm to be exact. This is my second shaving brush; I've been DE shaving with a brush for about 6 months now and I had been using a Van der Hagen boar hair brush that is much larger than 19mm (I don't know exactly how much).

My question is: Is a 19mm brush useful for more than a cheaper alternative or a travel brush? Here is a little about me:

I have relatively large hands. I use shave soap and lather with a bowl. I have SOME experience with a brush as stated before but not much. I know I like the idea of a large brush, but is it worth returning for a more expensive larger brush?

Thanks for all help.
Shaving brush size is 100% preference. I too love bigger shaving brushes, but there are plenty of big guys who swear by Simpson Wee Scotts (a little smaller than your 19mm). There are some larger brushes out there for not much more than what you paid. If your not happy with the size and have not used the brush, return it and get something your more happy with.

I started out with 24mm brushes, and was never quite happy with them, but still went threw plenty of brushes that size trying to force it to be right for me. Now I gravitate to ~30+mm brushes, I have brushes in 28mm, 30mm, 32mm, 34mm, and even a 39mm monster in my den, and dont really give the smaller ones much use. Its all YMMV, but if your asking the question I'm thinking you would like something bigger than what you have.
I find smaller brushes useful when lathering in smaller containers (like RazoRock and Cella), but in general, I prefer brushes that are 26mm or larger with long handles. I also have larger hands.
I myself like the smaller brushes. I find them to be more precise and not use as much cream/soap as a larger brush. A big brush turns into a mop for the most part for me. If you want to try a larger brush without forking out a lot of money, try the Parker XL....it's a decent brush quality wise and will not break the bank. Good luck!
Most of my brushes are 18mm silvertips. I like the precision, since I mostly face lather. Anything bigger than 22mm feels like a mop on my face.

+1 to DavidB: love the precision of smaller brushes now that I face lather. Looking at smaller knots, shorter lofts and some degree of scritch. I can't use my huge Omega Pro anymore.
After owning several brushes from 18mm -27mm knots, I realised that I prefer smaller knots but with bigger/longer handles.
Don't like 'mop' on the face and also dislike getting lather on my hand...

I prefer 20~22mm with loft between 46~50mm with handles longer than 50mm.
I prefer smaller brushes. My daily driver is a 20mm TGN Finest badger with extra hair in a bulb shape. This brush has all of the backbone and softness needed to lather hard soaps in a bowl or on the face. It allows me to put lather just where I want it so the precision is very nice.
of the 10 or so brushes I have, both boars and badgers, most are 20-22mm, by far my favorite is a custom
16mm knot w/ 34mm loft. I too prefer the smaller brush, even the 20mm brush feels too large. I need to
try a Wee Scott next.
I love small brushes. I have two Omega Mighty Midgets, Wee Scot, Vie Long(?) Pony, Duke 1, and a few more. They store well, dry fast, and my kids think they are cute. I have a Kent BLK8 and it is a very luxurious brush but HOGS CREAMS AND SOAPS!
The Pony is 17mm but the Mighty Midget is 20mm and the Duke is 19mm. Anything else smaller than the Pony other than the WS?
I never minded a 19mm knot as long as the handle felt comfortable to use. It was the 19-20mm brushes that got me to start face lathering which I like far better than using a bowl. The brushes I have now are 22-26mm, but they use up a lot more product than my small ones did.
went back to a 21mm brush this morning and it just felt huge and after 3 passes, had enough lather for another pass or 2
as I do not have a beard and I only face lather.
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