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Small Brush List

We hear a lot on here about brushes in the 22-28mm range but not much about smaller brushes. I'm not talking the 20mm guys (those are actually as big as I go), I mean the really small ones.

How about compiling a list of sub-18mm brushes?
Sub 20mm would be easier to go with. I haven't seen too many past 18mm except for the Wee Scot and Harvard 1.

Simpson Harvard 1 - 17mm
Simpson Harvard 2 - 18mm
Simpson Special 1 - 18mm
Simpson Beaufort B1P - 19mm
Simpson Major - 18mm
Simpson Case - 18mm

I got most of the measurements here. I've seen it listed different with some spots, but the site seems to be accurate.

I've been really looking at Simpson best badger brushes the past few days, and kind of got an itch to add some smaller brushes to my stable. Got a Stubby 1 to blame for my interests into smaller brushes. Never thought I could go for a smaller handle on a brush so well. :laugh:
I've been really looking at Simpson best badger brushes the past few days, and kind of got an itch to add some smaller brushes to my stable. Got a Stubby 1 to blame for my interests into smaller brushes. Never thought I could go for a smaller handle on a brush so well. :laugh:

I highly recommend the Duke 1. I got mine at SRD for $65, a damn good deal since it is essentially (to me at least) an improved version of a Rooney 1/1 Super.

Simpsons Best hair is really one of the best deals in shavedom. If Drew the college kid can do it, so can anyone else.

Go forth and lather!

(Oh, and those Harvards look good. So does the Keyhole 1.)
Duke 1 and the Case are my favorite small brushes.

The Wee Scot is cool, but it's a tad too small.. more of a novelty brush for me.
Duke 1 and the Case are my favorite small brushes.

The Wee Scot is cool, but it's a tad too small.. more of a novelty brush for me.

Yeah! The Duke 1 gets glossed over so much here, I love mine.

I have to disagree about the Wee Scot though. I love that too.
I have a Duke 1. It's my travel brush and a very good one at that. Wouldn't want anything smaller though. Maybe I'll use it tomorrow.


"Got Shoes?"
Savile Row SR 3118 from Charles at www.qedusa.com

Handle height = 42mm (1.65")
- Hair height = 48mm (1.89")
- Total height = 90mm (3.54")
- Knot size [hair diameter at base] = 18mm (0.71")
- Grip ring [narrow part of handle] = 25mm (0.98")
- Base of handle = 33mm (1.30")
I thought USPS would have my Wee Scot delivered today but no. They want to torture me and make me wait! :sad: So it'll have to wait till tomorrow most likely.

I'm thinking it might tend to be more of a novelty for me as well, but I want to try some Simpson Best badger, and figured I'd get this eventually anyhow just because I get a kick out of seeing it everytime, so a possible win/win.

Might absolutely fall in love with it and decide to get a few extra brushes under 22mm to round out my experiences. The short handle might kill it for me though. I had an Omega 21047 that I just couldn't get to such a small handle. But I blame my Stubby 1 for my renewed interest in smaller brushes, and face lathering! :001_tt1: But not necessarily with both those together. :001_tt2:


"Got Shoes?"
but I want to try some Simpson Best badger,

Like to hear your thoughts about the Best grade hair.

All of the Simpson Best Badger I have are Somerset brushes. All the Isle of Man brushes that I have are either two-band or super. I haven't tried an Isle of Man brush with Best yet.

I am thinking that a Harvard might be the move.
I actually really like the Simpsons Best. My Duke 1 and Wee Scot have completely replaced my Rooney 1/1 Super.

The Harvard sure is a good looking brush too. And the Milk Churn. And Keyhole.

But I think the Case will be my next. Or the Special.
Can try my best to describe it johnnie. No guarantees I'll do a good job, but hey, can't get better if you don't give it a shot!
I got the wee scot today....think small, but think again and think smaller. This is a tiny brush.

With that said, the best badger hair feels great in the face and the brush has some really nice backbone. I played with it a bit, and it did made some really nice lather.

I will use it for a week or two to decide if this one is a keeper
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