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Slows hair growth ?

Scares me too... IMO, I wouldn't try it.

Although I find it funny that the site is called "britva", which is Russian for "razor" :lol:

On a totally unrelated note, 600th post!

- ice
ikr! i shave everyday, but still count down the hours before i have the time to shave! o take it that this product would be marketed towards people who don't see shaving as the hobby that we do. it would only make sence to market it to people who get terrible shaves from what ever "system" they use, so they won't hav to shave as offen.

on a totally unrelated note: great job ice!
Not matter how much this product claims.
Using rich lather and blades are our aims.
So don't look back.
Could be as bad as Jack Black.
Without any evidence it shames.
Some guys would like their beard grew slower. It just depends :) There are men who's beard is already grown up just after 3-4 hours after perfect BBS.
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What scares me is the chemical they must add to make your beard grow slower.

Bizarre I'd say. I have communicated with this outfit. Think I'll bring this point to their attention
Looks like it's also NOT for anyone allergic to aspirin as it contains willow bark extract (essentially asprin), salicylic acid, and other salicylates (aspirin precursors). I'll guess that the beard slowing bit come from the soy proteins incorporated into the product. Probably not of sufficient amount to do anything, however.
What scares me is the chemical they must add to make your beard grow slower.

Bizarre I'd say. I have communicated with this outfit. Think I'll bring this point to their attention


We are exposed to way too many chemicals in our day to day lives.

Willfully placing extra chemicals upon the face that at best have a novelty purpose just seems like a horrible idea to me. :001_rolle:001_rolle
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