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slim 1966

hello all,

after a few drinks last night i decided i wanted an adjustable razor, so bid on this 1966 slim


and went to bed. woke up this monring and id won it. paid $17 for it, no box, is it a reasonable price?
Yeah, great razor and worth $20 easy IMHO
edit: WOW, you're in the UK and got it for that much? Good deal.

While not a big dollar razor, most are in the US of course. Getting one for that price from anywhere other than inside the US, or from the US from a seller willing to ship overseas makes it an even better deal.
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yes, i am in the uk, but got it from the US ebay site shipping to the UK is $6.75, which is pretty good. only thing that concerns me is that no-one else bid on it!
Looks okay to me. A slim was my first razor purchase last year upon getting interested in DEs again. I got lucky and found one in very nice shape for $7 in a local antique store, but that was very lucky.

I'd say you did fine. Enjoy. :thumbup1:
The slim is indeed a great shaver. I bought a 1966 about two months ago, and I haven't used any of my other razors since! Looks like you got a pretty good deal. Enjoy!
yes, i am in the uk, but got it from the US ebay site shipping to the UK is $6.75, which is pretty good. only thing that concerns me is that no-one else bid on it!

Seems like there are lots of Slims on ebay lately and they don't always attract a lot of attention.
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