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So for the past couple of months this has been happening, I'll wake up in the middle of the night half asleep thinking I'm late for work. I usually go into the bathroom which is when I slowly start to wake up and realize it's the middle of the night. Tuesday night it went to a new level. I actually started brushing my teeth and then started taking a shower. Once the water hit my face I woke up and looked out the window and realized what was happening. I dried off and went back into my bedroom, it was around 1AM, I had been asleep for about 90 minutes. One thing that usually remains the same in all these incidents is that i never remember getting out of bed so I can't look at the clock. If I do remember getting out of bed and I do look at the clock I don't comprehend what time it is. At this point it's more annoying than an actual problem. Anybody know some simple remedies that I can try before I have to involve a doctor?


I haven't started "Sleep Shaving" yet. Holding a sharp razor while still mostly asleep would not end well!
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I would second what Lucidor said about stress. When I was in grad school and working two jobs to pay for it I had a lot of issues with both sleep walking and night terrors. Two things helped: doing things to help the stress (exercise, relaxation techniques, etc) and lessening my stressors (eventually finished school and settled into one normal job)
Cold turkey.

Ok, I've just heard of folks having some incredibly wacked out dreams and other stuff while taking that, just curious if that could be a factor. My wife has an aunt that was taking sleep medicine and cooking in her sleep. Medicine can do some strange things...

On a more philosophical front, what if you've been doing it the majority of your life and only recently "caught yourself'"???
is it normally at the same time of night? or random? if its the same time, you may consider setting up an alarm to wake you 10 minutes or so before and stay awake for 20-30 minutes. That is the only thing I can think of, other than stress reducing techniques and no audio-visual stimulation before going to sleep.
Ambien sort of had me like that. I'd be writing blog articles and having conversations with friends that I couldn't remember for the life of me the next day. Had to stop it with that stuff.
is it normally at the same time of night? or random? if its the same time, you may consider setting up an alarm to wake you 10 minutes or so before and stay awake for 20-30 minutes. That is the only thing I can think of, other than stress reducing techniques and no audio-visual stimulation before going to sleep.

As far as i can remember it happens at random times.
Hmmm. If you aren't on any medication I'm not sure what to blame it on. Congratulations for quitting smoking and sticking with it, as a side note! :thumbup1:
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