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Skin Bracer

It's next on the list. My eye once scanned right over it; now it lingers. Today I took down a bottle and opened it up to take in the scent; it smells magnificent. Really, really superb. I resisted. For now. But soon the ASAD will not be denied.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm a slave to Skin Bracer. Nothing takes me back in time better than that little bottle of menthol magic.

Try it! You'll like it!

Skin Bracer is about the only distinct memory i have of my grandfather.

He "taught" me to shave when i was 5 or so with a blue Lady Gillette (no blade of course) and my own small bottle of Skin Bracer.


I love Skin Bracer. Its formulation, its said, hasn't changed in 50 years. Its curse is its cheap and accessible and so undervalued by shoppers. I avoided it for the longest until I read a knowledgeable shaver singing its praises and making me look at it in a new light.I have a couple bottles of it decanted in a old barber bottle and enjoy it.
I love Skin Bracer. Its formulation, its said, hasn't changed in 50 years. Its curse is its cheap and accessible and so undervalued by shoppers. I avoided it for the longest until I read a knowledgeable shaver singing its praises and making me look at it in a new light.I have a couple bottles of it decanted in a old barber bottle and enjoy it.

It has changed a couple of times actually. Not quite so drastic as say, Old Spice, but they've done a little dickering around here and there.
I have a confession to make. I was weak. Brace yourselves: I got the Bracer.

But I also picked up a potted orchid plant for the wife. And that was the real reason I went to the store. Honest. :biggrin:
Used the Skin Bracer today. A nice burn, and a great cooling sensation. Plus the scent. I think wifey liked it too, judging from the way she said goodbye as I left for work. :001_tt1:


"Proper Bob"
It was the first aftershave selected in the Aftershave of the Week segment. I think we did the Cooling Skin Bracer. (The blue one. Good stuff).
It is actually hard to find. I think it a regional thing. I am sure you can find some on-line.

Correct, they stopped selling the Cooling Blue nationwide, and only market it in select regions. I can't find it anywhere near me, for example, but if I drive up to Raleigh I still see it on the shelves in some places. Last I was told though, what is being sold now is the last of it; it's not currently in production. I can't vouch for the accuracy in that though.
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Correct, they stopped selling the Cooling Blue nationwide, and only market it in select regions. I can't find it anywhere near me, for example, but if I drive up to Raleigh I still see it on the shelves in some places. Last I was told though, what is being sold now is the last of it; it's not currently in production. I can't vouch for the accuracy in that though.

That's interesting. When I was in Japan this summer, that's all I saw anywhere--the most common American product on the shelves. Not a drop of the green stuff to be found.
Does anyone know if what Mennen sells in Europe corresponds to the American Skin Bracer?

Mennen also carries two other products in the same line here in France: Green Tonic and Grand Large.
Sounds like the Cooling Blue is about to become someone's holy grail.

I hate to say it, but when I bought mine a few months back, the store I bought it from ("Dollar Tree") must have had about 50 bottles of the stuff on the shelf.. for a buck each. I bought two, I figured, in my rotation, that's at least 3 years worth.

A local discount chain also carries it, but at the regular price.
Does anyone know if what Mennen sells in Europe corresponds to the American Skin Bracer?

Mennen also carries two other products in the same line here in France: Green Tonic and Grand Large.

Captain, the bottle up top is the equivalent of our "regular" Skin Bracer. The bottom one on the left is what we used to have here, a blend called "Sport". The one on the right is the equivalent of our "Cooling Blue".
Captain, the bottle up top is the equivalent of our "regular" Skin Bracer. The bottom one on the left is what we used to have here, a blend called "Sport". The one on the right is the equivalent of our "Cooling Blue".

Thanks a lot Rob :thumbup:
Fortunately you're there to fill us in with all this knowledge.
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