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Ski Boards, Little Skis

Ski boards, you know those little tiny skis that you can as much skate on as ski on. I am thinking about getting a pair, there's a great path around my neighborhood and it would be a ton of fun to go around it on those with my dog.

I'm looking for a very cheap pair, this won't be something I ever take with me to the ski slopes. Anyone have any recommendations?

I believe they're called "ski skates" , in case you want to search for them.
Not sure how much use they'd be as x-country, though, they're made for downhilling.
Do you have boots and bindings already?
It's funny that you should bring them up as I handled a pair earlier today. One of the Marines that works for me checked them out from outdoor supply to use this upcoming weekend. The brand was Head, more famous for tennis rackets in my opinion. The pair looked to be well constructed but slightly abused as if someone else had previously used them for "grinding" on logs or pipes or something, I told him he should try and get them waxed before he leaves for his trip.

I have not priced the brand but I imagine that the price is relatively inexpensive given our history with military contracts on supplies.

Hope my limited opinion helps.

I used these the last time I went skiing with outstandign results. Much easier to ski with. Easier to control your direction and speed. I was able to handle areas of the mountain I was not confortable with on normal-sized skiis.
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