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Single Ring $224 on the bay.

I gave it a couple days to let the seller get it shipped out to whoever bought it, but an early example of a single ring went on the 'bay recently:
1905 in a Times Square box:

Serial #325248

sold for $224+shipping


$1905 SR 01.jpg$1905 SR 02.jpg
$1905 SR 03.jpg$1905 SR 04.jpg
$1905 SR 09.jpg

I was outbid, but I didn't really try for it. I also did not put in 37 bids. Hope someone here got it!
Okay, here's the thing ...
Nobody paid $225 for the single ring.
They paid $155 for the case and blade boxes.
They're in good shape, too.
-- Chet
Clearly the box was in supreme condition. I'm not surprised by the price in even the least, I would have paid more than that had my paycheck arrived a couple days earlier!
Yes I was outbid well and truly - it had gone past my snipe before it was due to act.

I was hoping for a cheap case upgrade for a double ring - LOL!!!!!!!!!!
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