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Simpson's Special?

I am thinking of buying a Simpson's Special in best. I presently have a Vulfix 2235 and an EJ BBB. I want a brush to add to my rotation that would also be good for travel. I have looked over the review of this brush and the thread that goes with that review. While the review of that brush was good, I guess I am a pretty cautious fellow.
What is the opinion out there? Is this a good brush for my intended use?

Haven't tried it but looks nice. I would probably lean towards the Simpson "CASE" brush for travel though as it comes with a matching tube. The "wee scot" would probably make a great travel brush as well. Another thing you might consider is just using one of your current brushes for travel, then spending your $ on a fancy silvertip type brush for home use.
I don't have the Special, but I do have the Simpson's Case in Best Badger. According to the measurements on emsplace, it appears that the Special is just a bit taller in both bristle loft and overall height than the Case. Thus, they are somewhat similar. Moreover, I have the Vulfix 375, which is a slightly smaller version of the Vulfix you have. I originally bought the Case to be used for travel. After a few tries with that brush, it is basically the only brush I use. I love the backbone that it has and the soft tips. While I don't have any experience with the Special, I would strongly consider the Case and I would imagine that you can't go wrong with the Special either.
Also, I should probably note that I am beginning to find the Case to be almost on the small side for daily use. It has worked exceptionally well for about a year, but I've been thinking about getting something a little bigger for more daily use. Specifically, I'm considering an Emperor or a Persian Jar for more daily use and to reserve the Case for the function I originally got it. But I think the Special is somewhere between an Emperor and the Case. So, maybe the Special would suit you well for a hybrid travel brush/addition to the rotation. However, like cvac said, the Case is nice for travel because of, well, the case that it comes with. But I have read about people making a case for the larger brushes that they take with them for travel purposes. So, maybe the case isn't all that big of a deal. I hope I didn't make it more complicated for you. Just some more food for thought from another 'cautious fellow.' :001_smile

Best of luck in your search.
As someone who uses the Special pretty regularly now, I feel that I can chime in here...

It's about 10mm shorter than any of my other brushes, but it still works fantastically. It's soft, yet adequately scrubby (though Simpsons doesn't recommend the swirly/scrubby motion). I've been using it for every shave since I've purchased it, and it's lost a total of 1 hair. My current plan is actually to own only two brushes: my Special, reserved mostly for travel, and one other for normal usage (and I think I've actually convinced SWMBO that letting me spend $100-$150 on an awesome brush now will keep me from spending that much later :biggrin1:). What's more, it fits perfectly in a smallish pill container, which is awesome (and free) as a travel case. That being said, though, if you have a smallish face and smallish hands, like I do, it does wonderfully in the regular rotation with both soaps and creams (this morning I whipped up the quickest shave-perfect lather with TOBS rose; I couldn't believe it).
I bought a Special from Lee's as my 1st real brush last year (along with a 34C).
It is still in my rotation.
The best bristles aren't overly scrubby, it lathers well with either soap or creme and it's small enough to be my travel brush. And it looks cool.
my $.02? ----> get one.
Tony at Penworks has a great deal on this brush right now. I think it's less than $40!
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