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Simpson Wee Scot

Is there a review of this brush on this Forum, or does anyone want to venture an opinion after having used one??


I am a BIG Simpson fan and this very small (14mm) brush does work but is more of a novelty. Think having to load the soap again for each pass.

If you are set on a tiny brush, look for one of the Omega 21047 with the mixed badger and boar. These REALLY work well. I don't know if shoeboxshaving is back in stock but they are the only one's I know who carry it. Only $20 too.

If you want a small a luxury brush that is specifically made for travel, check out the Simpson's Major. I absolutely love mine...there are reviews on them here. A major is 19mm/42mm loft but seems like a much larger brush in use. I use mine at home in a regular rotation, not just for travel. westcoastshaving has them for $130.00 which is awesome. I paid $160 for mine. (Why oh why did westcoast start carrying Simpsons for awesome prices right after I bought the ones I wanted.....boohooo....great deals right now.)

I will venture a bit of an opinion tomorrow as my Wee Scot just arrived...

Gary at Shoebox sings high praise for these...

Last week he did not have the Omega mixed boar/badger in stock..so I went with the Wee.
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It really is a good brush. It's definitly going to take more work to get your face lathered, but mine holds water well, and creates a good lather without hogging.

Fwiw, I just got mine in on Friday. I used it this weekend a few times, so I don't have a lot of experience with it yet.
It's small, but definately well made just as any of the other larger Simpsons. I've used mine twice and managed to get a great shave. For the most part though, just makes a great display piece for me.
This will be my next brush for sure! I've read some really great and interesting things about it from Shave blog and Shoebox!

I didn't see it until after I ordered my second brush... an Omega 666. It was at the right price, and another omega brush that was in the same price range I was looking at was already sold out. Ah well, I'll get to them eventually!
First real use of my Wee Scot was this morning.

Last night I soaked it for about a half hour (pretty faint wet badger odour) and then scrubbed up some Williams soap to see how it worked. I was quite impressed with how well it worked up a rich cream on the Williams puck. I took that cream to a mug and built a small bit of dense lather. Rinsed this out and hung it up to dry for this morning.

So this morning I grabbed it, my tin of PDP, and Feather loaded Fat-handled Tech for my shower shave this morning. Soaked it in a mug of water (could use a micro teacup nearly:biggrin:) while I showered, then grabbed the works and set up for a shave. I did NOT prewet my PDP cake, took the Wee Scot gave it a moderate squeeze to remove most of the water, and scrubbed up a heavy cream on the PDP. I loaded the tips well with soap, then face lathered. The tiny brush really built up a nice lather on my face....loading the brush tips well. Did my first pass (cheeks and neck only as I have a near full-beard), then relathered for my second pass....still plenty of soap for a third pass if I did one. (Mind you my face surface area is small compared to you barbarians that shave your whole face:laugh:....I do build lather on my beard though as I have come to enjoy the soft conditioning that seems to provide).

This tiny brush really is remarkable. I have been using boar brushes for over 3 decades...and recently bought a large Boreal boar to replace my very thin EverReady. This is actually my very first use of a badger brush.....and I was very favorably impressed.

Loading the big Boreal with soap is easy a pie....it builds great face lather with all the soaps and creams I have added to my stock over the past couple of months...but this tiny Wee built nearly as much lather on what must be half or less of the soap I normally scrub into my brush.

Amazing little gem.

I debated long and hard last week about buying the Omega 21047...but Gary, at Shoebox, hinted around that I might like the Wee Scot....I am really glad I caved in and ordered the Wee. I was going to use this exclusively as a travel brush...but I am wondering now if this will be just part of a daily rotation.

I love the Big Boreal 976 I got a few weeks ago...it lathers like a charity carwash team...but this little Wee face lathers just as well, and seems to conserve soap at the same time.

I can see buying more and more brushes over time...but am very happy with this Wee...I almost cannot wait to give it a run tomorrow....the only question is what soap is next.

Another $40 well spent...thanks to all you enablers.
Day Two...Wee Report.

I bought those small samples of Taylor Old Bond Street creams from the Shoebox (seen in the image above). When I first got them I opened them up and thought each tiny tub was probably good for 2-3 shaves using my normal pea sized dollup of cream.

This morning I shaved with the TOBS St. James sample, the Wee Scot and my fat-handled tech. I followed the same routine as yesterday for a shower shave.

I moderately squeezed out the presoaked Wee and jabbed the badger tips two times into the tiny tub of cream (these tubs are about the diameter of a nickel). I would estimate this was about 1/4 the amount of cream I generally squeeze out onto my big Boreal boar brush. I really thought it would be a pitiful amount...but I went ahead and built lather on my face with it.

I again was impressed...I got a nice solid coverage of good lather by scrubbing that little Wee into my face and beard.

I did my first pass, then rinsed my face and beard fully, I then got about a half pass of lather from the brush....only enough for my cheeks and neck.

This second pass lather was not as dense or full as the first, but good enough.

I think for me and my face surface area, about 3 jabs of the Wee into the smal tub of cream would have provided me with two good passes worth of lather...and still it would probably be 1/3 or at least 1/2 the normal amount of cream I would use on the larger brush.

This little Wee is very impressive....it builds face lather for me much faster than my boar brush...(this is likely only a revelation to a brand new badger brush user).

I have to say that after only two uses of this tiny brush I am a huge fan.

As a travel brush a small amount of cream or soap sample would give me a weeks worth of good shaves. The small 1/5 ounce tubs that Gary provides the TOBS samples in look like they could give me a weeks worth of shaves pretty easily....this may indeed be due to the latherability of TOBS but I will have to determine that over the next few days.

The Wee Scot is really a grand brush.

I liked the TOBS too....not too scented but a very smooth shave.
Not sure anyone actually really wants these day-to-day reports, but I since I am kept awake at night thinking about the next mornings shave:eek:....here goes for Day Three:

Almost the same setup as yesterday...again a shower shave with the Wee, Feather Loaded Fat-handled Tech, TOBS Mr. Taylor cream.

Soaked the Wee in a mug of hot water while I got clean, then squeezed out most of the water...jabbed the bristles in to the tiny sampler of Mr. T (this version of TOBS seemed "stiffer" than yesterdays St. J), about 5 good jabs. I loaded the brush with probably 50% more cream then yesterday, and face lathered. This version of TOBS also very quickly bulit lather on my face and beard...and loaded most of the brush bristles too.

First pass, did not rinse my face this time around but went right back to build lather on my cheeks and neck. This second pass had just as much lather as my first pass. Shaved and rinsed fully then went for a third pass lather...and got the "half pass" worth of thinner lather....just like I experienced yesterday. I could have shaved with this, but it would have been thin.

Rinsed out the Wee, hung to dry. Finised up with Nivea Sensitive and Burt's Bay Rum balms mixed...I am liking that too.

Once again a great shave...the TOBS is certainly a subtle scent shave, but smooth. I may just have to order a tub.

For me, the tiny size of the Wee is actually a huge advantage I have decided. Big fat knots make volumes of lather, but my shave style only needs a small amount...why make more just to waste it.

Tomorrow....Wee plus what? VDH maybe...have yet to try that soap.
Here's a picture of a current Wee Scot and a vintage one. Notice the much smaller dimensions of the latter....:wink:

Are the TOBS samples you're using the same size as the Trumpers? I think the Trumpers are bigger than nickel sized in diameter. I can get atleast 3-4 - 4 pass shaves with one of the Trumpers and the Wee Scot.
i just got in my TOBS samples, and they are indeed tiny. Even after reading your description and looking at the pictures... I was still suprised!

I tried my arko moist cream today that came in with the same order. Ah well, tomorrow I think i'll be trying the avacado TOBS.

Really enjoy your daily posts!
Yeah they are tiny. I don't know about the Trumpers sample sizes. These little tubs are sold as 1/5 ounce samples, and are indeed about the diameter of a nickle...about that high too. They are very nice little screwtop tubs.

I estimate the TOBS samples will provide at least 7-8 shaves per sample for me (maybe even more....so for my 2-pass and your 4-pass....about the same number of shaves as your estimate the Trumpers). I just poke the brush straight into the cream a few times to get a tiny load on the bristles...so small an amount you would think Midas was in the shower.
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Those look to be quite a bit bigger to me. I have some of those flip top containers that I use for small screws etc in the garage....they are maybe half dollar size though. They would hold maybe a half ounce of more of cream.

I bet I could stretch one of those samples to a month of shaving...if it lathers up like the TOBS.

I wonder if I need some of those:biggrin:

Where did you get them?
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