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simpson brush stand

I am looking for a stand that has the right size to hold a Simpson chubby 2; referrals gladly taken! Thanks


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
There's a built-in stand under the brush. Sorry, I can't help you more but I do not know of a stand wide enough (that isn't custom or modified) to host a brush that size.
i bought a doll stand from a**zon. it cost me about 3 bucks shipped. i use it for my rooney 2xl which i think is about the same size as the chubby 2. it works well for me. it works well with my omega 48 as well. i don't think it would work well with a smaller handled brush though. here is a pic.

its title is

Stand 6-1/2"-11"

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