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Simple. SS Tradere vs iKon OC.

Guys. I'm in the market to upgrade my HD after trying and breaking a Cadet (what a piece of...). I'm prepared to spend some big dollars on it. So, how do compare the Tradere and the iKon? Craftsmanship and shaving qualities basically.

Sadly everything in shaving is YMMV, but at least i can figure out a pattern based on the replies (as we all agree the Feathers are the sharpest blades, for example).

Thanks a lot!
I have the iKon OC Deluxe but have no experience with the Tradere. The iKon is a mild shaver using the "traditional" shaving angle whereas, imu, the Tradere has more of a flat blade and the angle used to shave is different and is more aggressive.

As far as construction, the iKon is a sintered head with a machined handle and the Tradere is entirely machined. This gives the iKon a matte, sandblasted look and the Tradere a shiny finish. I find the matte finish better looking but from what I've read both constructions are solid and will last several lifetimes. Very much YMMV here.

Good luck deciding!
I've got the Tradere OC, but have no experience with the Ikon. I like the look of the Ikon & was tempted to get one, but I think it might be a bit mild for me. From what I've seen, the Ikon head looks very much like my Gillette New long comb & I imagine the shave will be very similar. The Tradere head is not a copy of anything else & it is stunning to look at. Also, I really like the fact that the blade tags are covered, as I am always scraping my nostrils on the tabs when using other razors.

I was a bit unsure about about the unusual design of the Tradere handle, but in use, it proves itself to be a very ergonomic design. The knurling is not cut as deep as my Merkur 11c, but it gives a good grip, which is useful, as at 4.1oz in weight, as if I dropped it, the Tradere would probably break my wash basin! Yes, the Tradere is a beast, but is a very well balanced & maneuverable beast.

I certainly can't fault the workmanship that went into the Tradere, though it has a more utilitarian look than the Pils, which is a bit too too "form over function" for my taste.

Finally, I'm not sure, but I think, like the Feather AS-DS2, the Ikon might have some form of coating. Perhaps someone with an Ikon can confirm this. If his is the case, I think I prefer my uncoated Tradere, as I like simplicity.
Finally, I'm not sure, but I think, like the Feather AS-DS2, the Ikon might have some form of coating. Perhaps someone with an Ikon can confirm this. If his is the case, I think I prefer my uncoated Tradere, as I like simplicity.

I don't know if the iKon has some sort of coating on it or not. I just thought that was the way it looked from the sintered construction.

It was between the iKon and the Tradere for me and I like the matte look better (plus a bit less spendy). They're both great razors and you can't really go wrong with either.
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