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simple shaving

Hello to all

Im new to this forum and English is not my mother language, so you will have to excuse any language mistakes from my side:001_smile

Now I would like to think abt your opinion on this. What abt just shaving 2 times, the first with the grain and the second against? pure and simple.

Ive seen al lot of technics that require to shave abt 3 or 4 times in order to achieve a closer shave, but I believe that any shaving after the second consecutive time, may cause skin irritation no matter how much hot water, good lathering etc you have made.

Any answers are most welcomed. Thanks n regards
Welcome to B&B! I kind of think you're in the wrong section as this part is specific to the Roberts method-shaving process. No big deal.

You might check out the tutorials under the "general" and "newbie" sections. Sounds like you are asking about the idea of multiple-passes, a big part of wet-shaving. The idea is, instead of trying to complete our shave in one pass (the "usual" modern way), in wet-shaving we reduce the beard in stages....ie: we lather up several times.

Check into those tutorials and Mantic's great shaving videos (you'll find links in the tutorials). That will get you started and you can ask what you see fit. You'll find everyone to be very helpful.

Have fun!
You'll be an old pro before you know it! I'd suggest that, if you want feedback about any specific shaving problems, be sure to list the products you are using when you ask your questions. With wet-shaving, technique and prep are critical, the tutorials do an excellent job explaining all of this.

In my own case, I found that I adjusted very quickly. I had little trouble improving my technique, my biggest obstacle has been UN-learning bad habits from 30+ years of disposable-razor/canned-goo quick-shaves. Considering all those years developing those entrenched habits, it is amazing how quickly I learned to do much better!
Dear Tsmba

Thanks for your guidelines. I posted a topic under "Shave Clinic & Newbie Check-In".

I really like this site as it has very helpful topics - members

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