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Similar blades to Astra Superior Platinum?

Hi guys!

So far I've tried Astra, Feather, and Polsilver blades. I started out with the Astra and they always give me smooth blood free shaves. The latter two always provide irritation (technique probably) and - as daft as this may sound - they almost shave TOO smoothly for me. The polsilver and feather just glide right over my skin like I'm simply scraping off the lather without a blade in my Gillette. With the Astra I can sort of "feel" the shave and there is a faintly audible sound of the hairs being cut as well which I really enjoy. I hope that makes sense...

My question is...are there any other blades that you guys can suggest that shave similarly to the Astra? I'm still keen to try some new blades and would love to hear your recommendations!
Gillette 7 o'clock black might be a tinge sharper but really smooth and the red personna blade is up there as well in terms of comparable sharpness and smoothness. But those are the three I reach for most and I think I have similar criteria to yours. The only drawback to me in comparing the 7 o'clock black to Astra sp is that the blacks don't last quite as long in my experience. But as always ymmv
I've found Gillette Silver Blue's to be similar to Astra's which is my every day blade. For overall comfort, longevity - 5 quality shaves, and cost, Astra's are hard to beat. As always, YMMV.
Astra SP is my go-to, buy in bulk blade. I won't say it is my favorite blade but it is in top spot when all factors are considered and especially with the value. I really love the Gillette 7OC Black but they seem pricey for me. I find the Personna lab/blue to be in the same category but they are very competitive in price ($13/100) vs. Astra at $9/100. I concur with Red Personna as well. Conclusion, there are some very good blades with similar characteristics at value prices when purchased in bulk.
The closest blades I have found to the Astra are...

Voskhod Teflon coated stainless and Super-Max titanium blades

Well, everyone has already mentioned my top choices (Red IP and Personna labs/meds), so I'll throw in Crystals--also made by Personna in Israel, and a bit less expensive than the IPs.
I believe that Rapira deserves a nod in this thread, at $6.45USD it's a very affordable blade and comes from the St. Petersburg plant.
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I'll throw another into the mix. Look at Lord Racers. I bought a pack last year, and am just getting into using them. I am amazed at the quality of shave they've given me. And they are actually cheaper than the Astras. I hope they are still available when the sabbatical is over, because I'm ordering a hundred. Maybe some of those rapiras, too. :w00t:
Astra SS, Rapira Swedish Supersteel, Personna Red, Voskhod, SuperMax Titanium.
Personna Lab/Med are my very best blades but they are way sharper then Astra. I can't even compare them to Astra to be honest. To me, Personna Lab/Med give the cleanest cut ever. YMMV ofc.
You might try the Gillette yellows they are smooth and sharp. Not as sharp as a Polsilver but smoother. Wilkinson German are pretty smooth as well.
I have the Crystal's (Israeli Personna), I get so confused by all the personna packaging and names. Anyhow, its a great razor but I find it sharper than the Astra, but very close in smoothness. I agree that the Gillette Silver Blue's are the closest in terms of comfort and sharpness. They have been my go to blade for several months now (Blues) but the Astra is pushing hard to replace them. I have had a hard time getting a good shave with any of the 7 o'clocks. I always get more nicks and irritation with them. Maybe they're too sharp, maybe not smooth enough...I don't know. Maybe it's my skill level.
I really liked using the Gillette Nacet blades. Similar to Astra SP, but seemed to give me a closer shave. Fantastic blades :001_smile
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