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Shutter Island

I went and saw Shutter Island last night and wanted to see if anyone else saw it and what they thought of the movie?
I don't want to give away the secrets of the movie(and hope no one else does either unless we put a spoiler alert in the title), but everyone in the theater just sat in silence for a good 30 seconds to a minute after the movie ended.
I personally really enjoyed this movie, but think I need to see this movie again before I can say that it is now one of my favorites.
I will say that Scorsese did a great job directing the film and DiCaprio's name should come up in a lot of Oscar talk next season.
Please no spoilers!
After seeing The Departed in theaters, I was really excited when I saw this movie was coming out. I have heard that it isn't his best work, but still a good movie.
I'm interested to see everyones responses. To be quite honest, I wasn't too excited about this when I saw the trailer. IMO, the horror/suspense genre of film is one that should never have existed.
A friend of mine didn't like it at all. Roger Ebert gave it a great review. I am interested in what everyone else has to say, as well.

I intend to see it at some point.
The book was good, although I had pretty much guessed the "twist" about a third of the way through the book. I guess I've read too many of these kind of books. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie to see how well they mirrored the book.
The book was good, although I had pretty much guessed the "twist" about a third of the way through the book. I guess I've read too many of these kind of books. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie to see how well they mirrored the book.
I am doing this backwards. I actually just started reading the book today after seeing the movie. I had it sitting on my "need to read" book shelf, but had just skipped by it until today.
Scorsese on half a brain is still better than most directors.

Please no spoilers!
After seeing The Departed in theaters, I was really excited when I saw this movie was coming out. I have heard that it isn't his best work, but still a good movie.
I'm interested to see everyones responses. To be quite honest, I wasn't too excited about this when I saw the trailer. IMO, the horror/suspense genre of film is one that should never have existed.
Yes, horror and suspense films like North by Northwest, The Night of the Hunter, Psycho, M, Cape Fear, and The Exorcist were a black mark of shame on the history of film making. :biggrin1:


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Here's how the movie ends.
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I have not seen the movie, nor do I plan to as I simply have no time available. However, it should be mentioned that the other three films that Scorsese and DiCaprio have collaborated on (Gangs of New York, Aviator and The Departed) have been fairly good and therefore given the general public an expectation for continued excellence.
This movie sucked. If you've seen K-Pax, don't even bother. Reminds me of a much too involved Stephen King book put on the big screen.
I liked the book, although JimB is right about the ending. Two thoughts:

1. Dennis Lehane's detective series (Kenzie/Gennaro) is wonderful. S. Island got me to read everything he's done, and it gets better.

2. Is Leonardo diCaprio now only starring in movies where his character howls in anguish for at least half the movie?
I wanted to like it because I heard such good things about it from others who had seen it...but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Very very slow IMO the twist...just didn't work for me.
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I wanted to like it because I heard such good things about it from others who had seen it.

Hype will do that to you. When people hear Dicaprio and Scorsese, it HAS to be good. Sadly, not in this case. A forgettable movie which was released at Oscar time because it has no chance of winning awards this year or next. If it did, it would have been released a month ago.
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