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Shulton Old Spice Question

I have 3 old bottles of OS aftershave and one of them has a metal stopper instead of the light grey plastic. Also, the bottle itself has a different design that is all blue. I'm just curious to know why there is a difference.

edit: Ok, so as usual all it took was a quick google search to find that the bottle is from the mid 40s. I also noticed that my other two are from the mid 50s and mid 70s. I found all of them, near full, in my Grandpa's medicine cabinet about a month ago. Why he (his dad?) bought new bottles with ones sitting in there for a decade or more is beyond me.:confused1
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A knowledgeable guy named Creighton Fricek spent a lot of time studying the history of Old Spice and put together this website, which will answer many of your questions.

I'm going to guess that Grandpa didn't buy the additional bottles - at one time, Old Spice was the Fathers Day/Birthday present of choice!

It looks to me like you've got a good base to start on OSAD - enjoy!
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