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Show Us Your Ink Stash

I was going through my ink drawer today cleaning it up and noting I have way too many inks and, except for the one Diamine bottle and one Lamy bottle, all were purchased over 15 years ago. The ink in all of these bottles, plus a bottle of Penman mocha not in the pic, are all in good shape.

I thought a show us your ink thread might be fun.

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That's awesome. It would take me at least 2 decades to use up that much ink. I only currently have 2 bottles of Private Reserve and a quarter of a bottle of quink I found lying around the house along with a few sample sizes from Goulet. I am seriously jealous.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
This is an old pic of some used in rotation then and is likely less than half of the ink I have. Brianw has me beat, though.



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Wow Doug you are drinking that MB bottle

And remind me not to let you cook for me lol

That MB bottle is much lower now, that old German blue-black is nice, I'm gonna try the Midnight blue next (current Austrian replacement).

I notice a few of those near-empty bottles are gone now, how many of you have finished off a bottle lately?
This is an old pic of some used in rotation then and is likely less than half of the ink I have. Brianw has me beat, though.

Nice Doug. I killed off a bottle of Penman Sapphire not too long ago. My current stash of Penman Sapphire is in a MB shoe.
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That MB bottle is much lower now, that old German blue-black is nice, I'm gonna try the Midnight blue next (current Austrian replacement).

I notice a few of those near-empty bottles are gone now, how many of you have finished off a bottle lately?

You're kidding, right?
There are some nice stashes here guys and gals. Brian - your post reminds me of one I forgot to post, mostly because it is a collection item, not a user.

Brian I think you are running dangerously low on Skrip for you P51's

Wowsa is all I can say

and TP,

Skrip 4 to Iroshizuku 6 Check !
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