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show me your brush stand!

I've got a blonde horn brush and want to buy a stand to show off the MoP inlay on the bottom when not in use.

I've looked at all the available brush stands and they all look flimsy or cheap. What is your most PRIMO brush stand?
Got this from a member here that sells these at a decent price:

I LIKE that stand! Can you tell us where you got it, please?

I can't take any credit for it whatsoever. The concept, execution, and source of parts all came from member 43Moon. You can see his original post (with much better pictures) here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=55497&highlight=moongress

The "Moon-Stand" is made up of two parts:

1) A standard shaving brush stand that is commonly found on typical trusted B&B vendors. I used this: http://www.vintagebladesllc.com/vshop/xcart/product.php?productid=312&cat=125&page=1

2) A toothbrush stand found at a bed, bath, and beyond.

Unscrew the tops of both stand, remove the holder from the shaving stand, place over the toothbrush stand, replace the toothbrush stand screw and voila....you now have a 5 razor and 1 brush stand.

My only problem now is: How can I get a stand to display 5 razors and 6 brushes. :lol:

Unfortunately, I do not have the equipement to show you my stand. Don McIvor made me a wooden one to go along with my mug and brushes. mcivorwoodworks.com
Thanks Matthew, I fine myself looking at it all the time. The Rooney 1-1 Finest is hard to beat.

Right on!!! Here is my finest stubby, rooney finest is currently unbeatable if you ask me.

I love that stand Joe!! Too bad it cant hold a straight and a brush that would be ideal.
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