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should I take the next step?

Hi everyone,

I hope that this message finds you all well. I have been on a wetshaving journey over the last year or so. I have found some very nice DE razors, but it is clear to me that nothing compares to my Gem 1912 and a Ted Pella blade. I get great, irritation free shaves. I have no interest in returning to DE shaving. However, I am curious about straight shaving. I have so many questions - is straight shaving better than a good SE shave? Which straight razor should I start with? Is there truly a difference between a good SE shave and a good straight shave? I just love all the possibilities of this wonderful hobby, and I look forward to your thoughts.

Great shaves, gentlemen,
Do you want to try straight shaving? It's more than just the quality of the shave. If you think you'll enjoy having to strop and maintain an edge and either learn how to hone or send it out occassionally to get rehoned then definitely give it a try. If you start off with the basics and it's not for you, then you can always sell them for around what you paid.
You need to start with a shave ready straight. Either BST or Larry at whippeddog.com would be my recommendations. You'll need a strop. I've heard nothing but good things about ruprazor filly strops as a starter.
After that comes the learning period which will test your patience but I found it enjoyable as well.
Why not? As was aptly pointed out above, if you buy on the B/S/T or from Larry there is not much to lose. And, the shaves are great. They are, IMHO, as good or better than any SE shave, including from a Rolls or similar type blade. Come on in the lather is just right!:001_smile
Thanks for your input. So, what straight should I begin with? It's all so intimidating. I would love to be a straight shave, but there are so many variables. I will make my transition slowly and seek your advice. This is a great website!
Thanks for your input. So, what straight should I begin with? It's all so intimidating. I would love to be a straight shave, but there are so many variables. I will make my transition slowly and seek your advice. This is a great website!

I would look at something around 5/8 with a round tip. It's a good size and the round tip is a little less intimidating when you start.
If you'd love to do it and you're prepared to stick with it, you'll be fine. Remember, everyone use to straight shave 120 years ago.
Whippeddog.com has a $20 section that I would go to. They normally don't look nice, but who cares. I would go for the smallest size you can get, personally. If you get a razor from Larry, ask him to mute the tip for you.
I would look at something around 5/8 with a round tip. It's a good size and the round tip is a little less intimidating when you start.
If you'd love to do it and you're prepared to stick with it, you'll be fine. Remember, everyone use to straight shave 120 years ago.


I would also agree to check out Larry at whippeddog for some reasonable getting started prices. If you want 'new' instead of 'historic' then look at some of those listed in Vendors Corner to get one that is 'shave ready.'
I've gotta go along with the members who've said that its all a matter of personal preference. If the interest is there then sure, go for it, but remember that it'll probable take a bit of time before the shaves start getting good.

I started just because I wanted to, I thought it would be a neat thing to master. Now that I've ALMOST got it down, I'm glad I did. :thumbup1:
Jump on in and give it a try, nothing beats a straight shave. BTW if the thought of maintaining a blade is a bit much at first you could always get a feather. I know the purists don't like them but it will give you an idea of what you're getting into.
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