If it is supposed to, I do not like bay rum. If it doesn't, I need to find the real thing. Thanks for your bay rummy insights.
If it is supposed to, I do not like bay rum. If it doesn't, I need to find the real thing. Thanks for your bay rummy insights.
I'm not a big Bay Rum fan... but this stuff is amazing !!!
Here is the real thing: https://www.stjohnsbayrum.com/default.asp
View attachment 77715
In a very sexy bottle
Sample Vials of all our fragrances
Convenient package of 8 fragrances
$5 (free shipping from the Caribbean)
Samples include: St. Johns Bay Rum, West Indian Lime, Island Spice, Cutlass, Indian Gold, Jouvert, West Indian Lime & Floral, and our newest Fragrance, West Indies.
View attachment 77713
My only experience with Bay Rum is Pinaud Clubman VIBR. It has a hint of cloves, but smells like Bigred chewing gum. The cinnamon is overpowering. And no, my screen name has nothing to do with the gum.
Your spot on with that observation of the overpowering cinnamon scent and smelling like Bigred chewing gum.
I'll be looking for another Bay Rum after I finish off this bottle of Pinaud.
By the way, I like the Masters Bay Rum but it leaves a tacky feel on my skin.
I'd be happy to take the bay rum off your hands