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Short-term instrument rentals in Las Vegas?

I'm going to Las Vegas at the end of May for work. As I wrote in another thread, I'm learning the cello. I think it would be easier and cheaper to rent a cello there instead of bringing my cello along for the ride. The problem is, most places have a 3-month minimum rental.

I was wondering if any Las Vegas members might have any ideas about who'd do a short-term rental (1 week). I'll try and make some calls, but I'm hoping someone else has ideas.
I would try checking with a local university to see if there's something you could use there. I'd imagine you'd have to keep it on site though as stringed instruments can be a bit temperamental and sometimes quite fragile.
Thanks for the idea. I just called around and found a place where I can rent a cello with a 1 month minimum at $20/month. So, I'll just rent for the "month" and return it early. Well worth the $20!

I thought I was going to have to finagle a deal, since all the places around here want a 3 month minimum, and/or won't rent unless you're local. This makes the mental load a bit lighter!
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