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shoe trees

Does anyone have a good source for on line shoe trees? I'd prefer to avoid using google and just randomly choosing from an unknown source.

I know that this is a repeat thread. I did try the search function, but for some reason it opens in a window behind the threads so I can't enter any search phrases into it.

Thanks in advance.
Jos A Bank has $25 cedar shoe trees. But watch for half-off sales or buy-one-get-? free sales. I know you asked about on-line, and Jos A Bank is, but also imagine you have several brick-and-mortars in your area. I started off trying Sierra Trading Company on-line, until the on-line rep demonstated that he had no idea of what shoe sizes were. At that point I went to my area shoe store with my shoes in hand to get the correct size.
I did try the search function, but for some reason it opens in a window behind the threads so I can't enter any search phrases into it.

Thanks in advance.

I have same problem most of the time. Work-around is to click on advanced search, and use that feature. Gets you into a separate window.
I get my shoe trees from Sherman Brothers which is a brick and mortar in Philadelphia. They sell Moneysworth. I have no complaints. I see they are available on Amazon. I know Allen Edmonds has shoe trees on its website.
I know you said you preferred online but I get the Woodlore split toe ones from Nordstrom Rack for about $13.00 a pair (AE owns Woodlore, if memory serves) which might be easier than online if you have a Nordstrom Rack near you (I think they probably make the ones from Jos. A. Bank, too).
Thank you for the responses.

There's a Jos. A Bank within walking distance from where I work. I'll stop in over lunch to see if they have a sale going on. Otherwise, I'll check Amazon or the AE store--I didn't see any at the local Rack when I was there on Saturday.
Cedarville Store.


I recently ordered the epic shoes trees and I love 'em. here are some coupon codes which I believe don't expire:

Coupon codes.
Styleforum -will take 10% off total order
cvsclub55 - will take $5.00 off Epic Cedar Shoe Trees
cvsclub44 - will take $4.00 off Washburn Cedar Shoe trees
cvsclub22 - will take $2.00 off Classic Cedar Suit Hanger
Is there a big difference between the shoe trees from difference places or are they all pretty much the same? I know mens warehouse is coming in to give a presentation at my schools club tonight, and they always give a 50% off coupon, so I was thinking about using that to pick up a few shoe trees from there.
Is there a big difference between the shoe trees from difference places or are they all pretty much the same? I know mens warehouse is coming in to give a presentation at my schools club tonight, and they always give a 50% off coupon, so I was thinking about using that to pick up a few shoe trees from there.

Ask them if they carry full canvassed suits.
Just a tip but all you need is one pair of shoe trees. Put them in right after taking off your footwear & leave them in at least to to three hours

I actuall don't take them out until I'm ready to put them in the next pair the following day.

I was in DSW today and they have shoes trees. Dont know if they sell them online but they looked decent and were 14.99 IRC
Before the huge flood back in the 80's??? Before the old Valmeyer IL town was swept away, there use to be a shoe tree "factory" that was a customer of mine. I bought several pair back then for next to nothing...they made them for everybody...but after the flood they moved, and never knew where...

That would have been a great group buy....

They use the same milling operation like gun stock....pretty interesting to watch....


Now half as wise
There are differences. I prefer the split toe and full back. They are usually a little more expensive, but this is something that will NEVER need to be replaced. I think they shape the shoe a little better.
I also forgot to mention Bed Bath & Beyond. I know that have coupons. They have two types; the split toe ($19.99) and solid toe ($9.99).
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