A search high and low yielded no results for shoe bags. Better dress shoes used to include them with a shoe purchase. They are small cloth bags, one for each shoe with a draw string. Not finding any I decided to make my own.
This is the first one, made from a nice red flannel material, hand sewn. I have to sew its mate this weekend.
Having not sewn since High School too many years ago, sigh, I think the shoe bag turned out nicely. Total time to make one bag is about 4 hours. I'm using red flannel for my brown shoes, and a grey flannel for my black dress shoes.
What do you think?
This is the first one, made from a nice red flannel material, hand sewn. I have to sew its mate this weekend.
Having not sewn since High School too many years ago, sigh, I think the shoe bag turned out nicely. Total time to make one bag is about 4 hours. I'm using red flannel for my brown shoes, and a grey flannel for my black dress shoes.
What do you think?