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Shipping from France...

So I won a razor on Ebay France for 5 euros... and the guy wants to charge me 18 euros to ship it to the US!!! He didn't disclose how much shipping would be and I don't want to pay this ridiculous amount for the item. What type of protection is there in place for such extortion? I don't want to get an unpaid item strike.
Did you think shipping from France to the US would be cheap? If you go to La Poste, the website for the French Postal Service, you'll find that the low-end "International Budget Parcel" would cost 16.90 Euros to ship an 80g package. If the shipper uses the nicer Colissimo, the price goes up to 22.10 Euros. International shipping ain't cheap.
I was looking at a Super Adjustable from France....the shipping pushed me out of the bidding fairly early. I had asked about it before bidding.

Sounds like the shipping is par for the course. You might explain you weren't expecting the expense, and the seller might be gracious, but remember, there are costs and investments in time and effort to list an item.

If it were me, I'd pay it, keep my good Ebay reputation and remember that a good razor will give pleasure long after the pain of paying for shipping is forgotten.
Did you think shipping from France to the US would be cheap? If you go to La Poste, the website for the French Postal Service, you'll find that the low-end "International Budget Parcel" would cost 16.90 Euros to ship an 80g package. If the shipper uses the nicer Colissimo, the price goes up to 22.10 Euros. International shipping ain't cheap.

Yes, I did think it would be much cheaper than 18 euros. I have had razors shipped from the UK and from Germany to the tune of 3-4 euros and I have shipped razors to Australia for $3. International shipping is not that pricey... welcome to the 21st century ;)
Yes, I did think it would be much cheaper than 18 euros. I have had razors shipped from the UK and from Germany to the tune of 3-4 euros and I have shipped razors to Australia for $3. International shipping is not that pricey... welcome to the 21st century ;)

It all depends on how the seller wants to package the razor. He could send it in a plain envelope via standard mail for about 3-4 euros, without delivery confirmation or registration. But anything in a box is going to be the 16.90 minimum. Maybe you could ask if he'd be comfortable sending in an envelope?
Yes, I did think it would be much cheaper than 18 euros. I have had razors shipped from the UK and from Germany to the tune of 3-4 euros and I have shipped razors to Australia for $3. International shipping is not that pricey... welcome to the 21st century ;)

How are you shipping something for $3? I have sent three razors internationally, and the cheapest I found was flat rate priority for $12.95.

That's $27 US Dollars!... to ship a razor? That is unreasonable and I would not pay it.

I recently shipped a razor to France using Express Mail at the buyers request, and it was $26.95 US. So it seems about right.

It all depends on how the seller wants to package the razor. He could send it in a plain envelope via standard mail for about 3-4 euros, without delivery confirmation or registration. But anything in a box is going to be the 16.90 minimum. Maybe you could ask if he'd be comfortable sending in an envelope?

Sellers don't want to send items using methods that don't have some sort of delivery confirmation, or they have no seller protection via paypal.

You could pay him for the razor and PIF to someone in the EU.

And this idea?!?!? Well all I can say is it is the most inspired response thus far! :thumbup1:
How are you shipping something for $3? I have sent three razors internationally, and the cheapest I found was flat rate priority for $12.95.

First class international. There is no tracking, though, and it can take much longer to arrive than priority.

Sellers don't want to send items using methods that don't have some sort of delivery confirmation, or they have no seller protection via paypal.

Some seller's won't ship a 99 cent item without the costly tracking on international shipments. Bullet, meet foot. For your average razor, tracking is an unnecessary expense, and will only cover you if the razor actually does arrive. For a lost shipment, you're just as SOL with or without tracking. If you want international sales on low dollar items, you have to be willing to accept some risk.
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Personally, I'd never ship anything internationally without at least using priority shipping. First class international just scares me (time aspect more than anything else). The other consideration is that some countries don't have a postal system synced with the USPS (according to my local post office) so tracking isn't even an option in those (Turkey and Lithuania come to mind that I've tried unsuccessfully to add tracking).

I've paid 10 euros from shipping from Germany and less from England... Personally, this is a problem with not communicating prior to the end of the auction.
You could pay him for the razor and PIF to someone in the EU.

I think that would not help. I must pay for shipping from France to Germany 18 EUR too. It´s crazy: for the same parcel shipped from Germany to France I must pay only 3 EUR :blink:
Personally, I'd never ship anything internationally without at least using priority shipping.

I've never had anything shipped except using regular snail mail without tracking. That's both to receive and send Ebay items, and (touch wood) so far after 12 years never lost anything yet. Personally I think paying more for shipping makes no difference to if your package will arrive or not.

In terms of the OP, I think probably the guy in France is not trying to shaft you, its most likely what the French Post Office is telling him the rate is.
I think that would not help. I must pay for shipping from France to Germany 18 EUR too. It´s crazy: for the same parcel shipped from Germany to France I must pay only 3 EUR :blink:

See, it is a French thing... they have crazy postal service. Their mailmen probably get paid $50 euros per hour. I have shipped SSs from the US to Australia for $3. You wrap the razor in some plastic grocery bags, put it in an envelope and sent it basic first class... never had a problem.
See, it is a French thing... they have crazy postal service. Their mailmen probably get paid $50 euros per hour. I have shipped SSs from the US to Australia for $3. You wrap the razor in some plastic grocery bags, put it in an envelope and sent it basic first class... never had a problem.

It would fare better in a box. Envelopes tend to tear when they have odd shaped hard things in them.
Shipping costs are a huge headache for anyone in Europe who buys, sells or trades razors in the US. The price quoted by the OP is correct, and no one is trying to rip him off. Untracked/uninsured shipping is cheaper, but very risky and I would not recommend it for anything more valuable than a ball-handled Tech.

The selection, availability and pricing of razors in Europe is very different from that in the US. The sinking dollar complicates the situation even further. Globalisation is messy. I recently had to pay $30 for shipping of a razor from the US, but, in the same week, I picked up a minty cased Aristocrat #22 for 8 euros in Poland (!). That's how it goes here...
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More likely the seller is unaware of the different tariff's, I've been quoted postage from France from between 3 - 16 Euro's but if I relied on my local PO for pricing I'd be paying the maximum tariff, that's for sure.
I think that would not help. I must pay for shipping from France to Germany 18 EUR too. It´s crazy: for the same parcel shipped from Germany to France I must pay only 3 EUR :blink:

I'm in Croatia and I too get the 15-18 EUR shipping.
You got to ask around before making a blind bid:wink:
Yes, I did think it would be much cheaper than 18 euros. I have had razors shipped from the UK and from Germany to the tune of 3-4 euros and I have shipped razors to Australia for $3. International shipping is not that pricey... welcome to the 21st century ;)

There are other ways of shipping international for a cheaper price. If you send it as a "document" you'll have a lower rate.
Everything depends on the type of protection you want on your package.
When I received my Fat Boy from the US on registered international mail, I paid 25 dollars.

try to ask him for a standard sending rather than a registered one, it would be much cheaper but with a risk of loss/theft, long delay to pass the French and then the US customs...
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