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Shelf life of different soaps

Hello good folks

I'm planning to order some soaps and to save on shipping I'll buy
some extra soaps and therefor I wonder - how long can I store
soaps with

shea butter
Italian soft soft soaps like Cella

I'll be glad for any input
Cella can apparently go bad.

Most soaps will last indefinitely. You'll lose scent, but not performance.

Heck, people are using pucks of Old Spice and Williams that are decades old.

Which ones are you looking at, if I may ask?
Mainly french soaps like Pre de Provence, Provence Sante maybe Ogallala
wich I also thinks is a shea butter soap and of course I have
to try a Col Conk :thumbup1:
Mainly french soaps like Pre de Provence, Provence Sante maybe Ogallala
wich I also thinks is a shea butter soap and of course I have
to try a Col Conk :thumbup1:

PdP is excellent. You may also want to try L'Occitane Cade.

You may want to get a tallow soap as well. Perhaps Tabac or the Valobra stick.
Cella can apparently go bad.

I was probably the originator of that information. I had a tub of Cella that seemed to separate (lots of yellow spots/bubbles amid the white) and develop a bad smell. I brought it up on B&B but no one confirmed that they had the same thing happen to them. As a matter of fact people reported buying in bulk and having the stuff sit around for a long time with no ill effects. I really don't know what happened to mine -- just that I had to toss it.

Edit: The Cella label does have the European symbol for one-year shelf life.
Thanks folk.

I have the Tabac and Cella, so the question was part thinking of expanding my rotation and therefore my soaps would last longer and the thought occured
of soaps shelf life.

RP I remember a post about Cella and it was probably with that soap in
mind all thoughts of longevity for soaps started
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