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Shedding from VDH Badger Brush

I bought the VDH Luxury Badeger brush a few weeks ago. It's a nice brush, and was shedding just a hair here and there. I took a vacation for about a week and didn't use it. Now I'm back and I've used it twice and it sheds like a dog in spring time. What happened?

I usually run hot water from the tap and let it soak in the bowl with hot water while I shower. Then I get out and mix up my lather with it, then rinse at the end under warm running water, then stand it up on its handle to dry until the next use.

It's a common problem with this brush. That's not saying there's not also good ones too, but it's definitely not unheard of.


I always scan the bar-code of everything I buy with the Amazon app and check out reviews. If you want a slightly better brush that's still dirt cheap checkout the Tweezerman. It's been a great brush for me so far. I've seen some reviews of shedding for it as well, just not as many. Otherwise just stick around here and I'm sure the guys can help you spend a couple hundred bucks real quick : )

Thanks for the links. I didn't even bother to look up reviews, just saw it on the shelf for $20 and thought I'd step up from my boar brush. Once I got the badger stink out it was nice. I've heard the Tweezerman mentioned many times for quality. I may grab that or wait until the new B&B boar brush is in stock again at West Coast Shaving.

Thanks for the links. I didn't even bother to look up reviews, just saw it on the shelf for $20 and thought I'd step up from my boar brush. Once I got the badger stink out it was nice. I've heard the Tweezerman mentioned many times for quality. I may grab that or wait until the new B&B boar brush is in stock again at West Coast Shaving.


FYI, if you do go with the Tweezerman. It was a little scritchy for the first two weeks for me, but softened right up after that. It also lost a hair or two with every shave for the first week, but has stopped shedding since then (also mentioned in the reviews).
I expect a little shedding from any brush at first and don't mind a little here and there, nothing's perfect. What puzzled me about the VDH was it shed a little at first, then one hair here or there, then a TON after I got back from vacation. Seems weird that it's shedding more rather than less over time.

I've had both the VDH Badger and the Tweezerman. They both shed too much for me with the tweezerman shedding more than the VDH brush. I think it is just that they are both low quality brushes and more of them have knots that shed. I hope to get a nice badger down the road to see what the fuss is about, but I am enjoying my Semogue 1800 boar and an old Dubl Duck 2 boar, neither which sheds at all.
I may go with a nice boar brush for now until I have some more money to get a really nice badger brush. FWIW, even though the VDH is a low end badger brush it is really nice compared to my cheap boar brush.

It's a shame that most of us have to "buy and try" from the internet for any new shaving products. Forums like this are great but nothing beats handling the merchandice before you buy.There is a local AOS shop in my town. When I stopped in I got to see and handle some silver tip brushes. They feel as soft and luxurious as you'd imagine. One day....

I'd say to you guys that it's really worth it to set aside some funds on a regular basis so you could eventually spend about $100 on a nice badger. You could spend more, but $100 would likely get you one that would have you saying "now I understand what all the fuss is about!" FWIW, several members here know a lot about the many quality boar brushes available. You can get one of those for about $30 or so.
I used to use a VdH badger and it performed very well but it also had a shedding problem. I recommend checking out the Whipped Dog brushes. Very hard to beat for the price and there are a lot of handle types to choose from.
I've had my Tweezerman brush shed 1-3 hairs every shave since I got it as well. It's on its way to a friend who wants to start shaving "the right way" now as HIS first brush, though. I suggest getting a pure badger knot from Larry over at Whipped Dog. Great quality knot at a really great price. To me spending $100 on a brush is just plain ridiculous but hey.
For boars you might wanna check out a Semogue 1305 or an Owner's Club boar. I have the SOC on the way and I hear it's pretty much the best boar brush ever made, so I'm looking forward to trying it out.
I like the look and price of the Semogue brushes, but they mostly have wooden handles and as I store my brush bristles up to dry I fear the handle may eventually crack. Too bad, I like handles that are wider at the end. Whipped Dog is good too but they're out of knots right now. Same goes for the B&B boar brush, out of stock right now.

I wouldn't mind spending $100 or so on a good brush but I'm tapped out right now from Christmas. I'd like to get something inexpensive for now that can also be my backup and/or travel brush.

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