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shed hunting

I know this is a bit early (shed hunting usually has to wait until spring) but does anyone do this? I'm considering looking for a few sheds on some public land near my house. anyone have any tips?
Well. Sheds are hard to miss. And usually take more than just a few rounds to take down. I suggest gasoline and a match. If you are real quiet, sheds are pretty easy to sneak up on. Good luck.
A couple of months ago on a show about Maine Game and Wildlife officers, the showed a shed trap. It was an area where corn was laid out with some chicken wire right behind it. The wire was about 6-10 ft long and staked into what looked like a fence but bowed over the corn. The bucks would go and eat the corn and get their antlers into the chicken wire. The antlers would come off if they were ready to. The bucks would not get hung up or stuck and the wardens said there was nothing illegal about doing it either. It actually looked like there were 3 shed traps set up in one small area.
I don't make an effort to look for them since most are already consumed by squirrel and chipmunk for the calcium. We get more entertainmet from watching people cut antlers off roadkill. I always wonder what the story told is after the fact.
My friend Brad is a very meticulous shed hunter. He lives near Ft. Knox and goes shed hunting to figure out where the bucks are, and has collected well over a hundred in the past four or five seasons. I've done some shed hunting, the sheds I've found have been pretty gnawed, but they made good knife handles and such. Brad has found some crazy nice ones, including some non-typicals. I'll have to try that shed trap Gordy mentioned, as soon as I verify that it's legal in Kentucky.
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