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Shaving with plain old soap

So, I am in the shower this am and thinking about my upcoming shave. I've got the brush and the mug and the shaving soap and a Parker 99R to go with it.

Anyway, while I'm showering, I realize that I am at the end of a bar of soap--you know it is too big to toss and too small for another shower. And, I suddenly flashed back about 40 some years. Back then, being a kid, I learned to shave from my father. He was one of those "whatever it is, I can do it" guys--you know, around the house he could: rewire the electricity; rearrange the plumbing; do the masonry;do the flooring, the walls, and the ceiling; then go outside and fix the car. Well, my dad didn't go in for all the "doodads." No brush, no shaving soap, no mug, no "foofoo juice." Whatever was sitting on the sink at any given time was his "shave" soap--Dial, Ivory, Zest, Life Bouy; He'd just wet his face, grab the soap, and soap up his face-then shave. Of course it was a DE by default--it was the only choice. That's how I learned and that's how I shaved for years.

Flash forward 40 some years. His kid is DE shaving again. With all the "doodads" and the "foofoo juice." And I think, "Hell, if it was good enough back then, it should be good enough now. And that's what I did--grabbed that little piece of soap, and standing in front of the sink, I wet my face, soaped it up, and shaved with my 99R.

Well, it was a pretty decent shave--not baby butt--but good enough for the guy at Broad and Market Street (as my dad was wont to say). After the shave I splashed on some Old Spice AS, sprayed on some Old Spice cologne, and put on some Old Spice deodorant. For a moment, I was 20 again. It felt really good, and I think dad would approve--except for the foofoo juice.
I occasionally use ivory bar soap out of laziness or necessity, and haven't had any issues in years. If you believe you can make it work, usually you will. Nice to have the memory flashback as well.
I've been using this dial soap when i shower. It's the one with the amber color. And i wondered how it would be to shave with it. Since it has a nice smell to it.

That was a nice story.
Broad and Market in Philadelphia?
was your dad the Mayor? ;)

nice story, thank you for sharing it. I used to use any old soap in the shower when I was a cart shaver (neck and cheeks only)
If youre looking to make use of the end of a bar of bath soap, you can "graft" it onto a new bar of the same bath soap. I do it all the time. I do it all the time and it works like a charm.
What a wonderful post. I'm sitting here with my laptop while my 3-YO boy is laying his head on my lap and we're watching a movie together... and reading your post made me smile and hope that one day my boy will have such fond memories of me as you do of your father. Great post.
Nice story.

Generally, though, bath soaps do not make good shaving soaps. Life is too short to shave with bath soap lather, IMO.
Nice story.

Generally, though, bath soaps do not make good shaving soaps. Life is too short to shave with bath soap lather, IMO.

True, but if you're on the road, the "facial" soaps in most motels will do okay, look for the "moisturizer" bar
I have never tried hand soap to shave with but I have a friend who does it regularly and he said Ivory soap is about the best he has used.
Great story! I used plain soap for more then a few years before I splurged on canned goo. Works just fine, but not the best. Got to keep the skin wet to keep any kind of glide.

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