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Shaving with my 2 yr old!

So my son wanted to shave with me tonight. He's 2 and knew exactly what to do. That is a wilkinson sword vintage razor. not sure what year, and i have no blades for it, so i let him use it. We had a great time!


My elbows leak
Staff member
Great Picture!

Give him a Gillette and he'll look just like the "Gillette Shaving Baby Ad"!

Thanks for sharing.
Great pics of the lil' shaver.

What AS does he usually go for?

And it looks like he got BBS the first time too!
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he loved it, he was even washing the razor off under water, and going with the grain lol. it was an amazing bonding experience. by the time he's old enough to have a blade in the razor he'll be a pro!
Congrats, you've found the secret...

No amount of razors collected, scents applied, soaps lathered, antique stores plundered or brushes bought will ever equal the value of that shared ritual.

Your replacement has arrived. It's an awesome, humbling feeling.

Great pictures. That's a fine looking boy, and he's lucky he has a dad who'll show him the ropes.
Congrats, you've found the secret...

No amount of razors collected, scents applied, soaps lathered, antique stores plundered or brushes bought will ever equal the value of that shared ritual.

Your replacement has arrived. It's an awesome, humbling feeling.

Great pictures. That's a fine looking boy, and he's lucky he has a dad who'll show him the ropes.

+1 Great post. (and cute kid!)
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