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Shaving Video

Hot towels that are scented with "West Indian Limes". Wow, that is a touch that you are not going to find in too many places!! :thumbup1:

He lathered on the sink itself?? EWWW!! Don't try this at home!!

The opening of the video showed what appeared to be a straight (probably a Shavette) on the counter, but then he shaved him with a M3. I am disappointed. :thumbdown
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The opening of the video showed what appeared to be a straight (probably a Shavette) on the counter, but then he shaved him with a M3. I am disappointed. :thumbdown

I love how you commented on your disappointment on youtube and got chastised. I swear youtube is populated by 8 year olds.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to use a straight. With the health aspects of today I was at least expecting some sort of shavette. But a modern multi-blade? Come on. :thumbdown
Seen this before, and I agree 110% with Michiganlover.

I understand the health regs, but, the thing is, they go too strict and I think in some cases work against cleanliness.

Imagine if a barber used a shavette with a new blade every time, but never cleaned out any residue in the area the blade resides in. Would this be more hygienic than a regular straight which had been sanitized properly by a dunk into Barbicide, bleach, rubbing alcohol, autoclaved, boiled, or any combination of the previous?

I understand, and share the concerns, of transmission of blood-borne baddies by a blade, but reasonable care eliminates this risk. My local barber has a new, younger guy, who trims up his customer's neck and completes high-and-tight style haircuts with a standard straight razor. (Also offers regular shaves with a straight too!) When not in use, he leaves the blade dunked in Barbicide. Personally, I'm confident that it's sterile enough.

Yhea, the thought of catching something transmitted by bodily fluids had crossed my mind before, but it's never been from a razor. It's always either involved the opposite sex, or that one time I got to see what happens when your buddy runs his hand over the table saw by mistake.
to recap my comment 1 yr ago.

he mixed up the lather in the sink for petes sake. how many times did someone wash their hands and more than likely spit in there to. you know people do it. hell i do. then use the same razor you can get at any box store. he had to leave the house also, so he either spent gas money, bus fair, cab etc or if he was close enough to walk he put miles on his shoes. i would have been saddened walking out of there knowing i spent money on the event. sorry, cant do it.

Now if the barber had been a hot babe with some big boobs it would have been a different story all together :001_tongu
I agree with you all. It was like opening a beautiful wrapped present :w00t: only to find,yes,a 3 blade cartdrige:mad3:

The shop looks great,and the prep but,,,,,,,,,,,,,sad end
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