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Shaving technique questions.

I've been straight shaving on and off for a while interspersed withe DE shaving for longer periods of time. I've never been able to get the whole face as close (with the straight) as I can get the sides of the face.

Obviously the sides are flatter, there's no nose in the way, and it's not as sensitive as the upper and low lip area.

I also find myself not shaving the upper and lower lip areas with the same technique as I use on the sides out of concern for cutting myself. I tend to drag the blade rather than push the blade. I turn the blade upside down and just drag it down or sideways.

I don't cut myself this way and it does thin out the stubble but it never gets really close either.

I never see anyone else talking about this. Is everyone able to shave the upper and lower lips (as a newer shaver) from the start with the normal pushing down stroke in these areas or have some of you done the dragging thing?

What tips do you have for being able to correctly shave the upper lip with the correct down stroke without cutting yourself. I also have a more angular face than some. It seems easiest for those with more square or flat features to shave than for those with more pointed chins and more slender faces (Don Knots vs Rock Hudson) :)
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