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shaving on the go

I know a lot of you resort to using your disposables when faced with time constraints, even if it is frowned upon here. my question is, what do you use when you're in need of that 5 minute shave and have to head out the door?

i've been using a mach 3 and a palmolive shavestick. i'm really starting to appreciate the shavestick, mainly because it provides a lot of slickness/glide and it's not as messy. keep in mind, I do avoid using a cartridge razor whenever possible, but there are times when it just can't be helped
I stick with the DE and just do one pass with a face lather of KMF or Ingrams. This generally takes me no more time than I'd spend using foam and a disposable. Not that I have anything againts those products, but I pretty much just use one razor and blade combo now and don't need the added cost of keeping disposables around. (The exception to that is my Headblade. I still haven't got up the courage to use the DE on the melon..)
My shaving routine takes 10 minutes. If I shave with a cartridge razor and goo from a can, it takes me a 5 minutes. There are really almost no situations were I can't spare 5 minutes to get a much better (and more comfortable) shave.
My shaving routine takes 10 minutes. If I shave with a cartridge razor and goo from a can, it takes me a 5 minutes. There are really almost no situations were I can't spare 5 minutes to get a much better (and more comfortable) shave.

I don't think it could be said any better than that!!!
If you can't do a straight razor wet shave while you're driving wherever you're going, you're not a real man. Just get one of those cigarette lighter, plug-in mugs that keep your coffee warm and keep some water in there. Have a mug of shaving soap in the other cup holder and keep your razor and brush in the glove box. You're good to go.

[tongue in cheek of course]
If you can't do a straight razor wet shave while you're driving wherever you're going, you're not a real man. Just get one of those cigarette lighter, plug-in mugs that keep your coffee warm and keep some water in there. Have a mug of shaving soap in the other cup holder and keep your razor and brush in the glove box. You're good to go.

[tongue in cheek of course]

And for the cold rinse just stick your head out of the window and activate the windscreen washer jets:tongue_sm

If you can't do a straight razor wet shave while you're driving wherever you're going, you're not a real man. Just get one of those cigarette lighter, plug-in mugs that keep your coffee warm and keep some water in there. Have a mug of shaving soap in the other cup holder and keep your razor and brush in the glove box. You're good to go.

[tongue in cheek of course]

This is potentiall one of the coolest ideas I have ever heard.

Imagine pulling up next to some fine lady looking all bad *** as you you shave with a straight razor. The pick up potential is endless.

In all seriousness, If I need to shoot out, I'll use a DE with no cream and just water. It's a bit aggrivating and not very nice but I can do a my face in 2 minutes
If I really need a fast shave, I go with a Mach 3 and Kiss My face cream used brushless. As an example, I did it this morning and I was DFS with two passes in under five minutes.

That said, I may like cartridges and use them as often (or slightly more often) than my DE razors, but I hate disposable razors and will not use them; even the Bic Sensitives tear my face up something fierce.
I've got a gillette lady in the shower with the Edge gel my wife still uses. If I'm in a real hurry, I'll do a quick single-pass with that. Did this morning actually. Surprisingly good results.
If you can't do a straight razor wet shave while you're driving wherever you're going, you're not a real man.
[tongue in cheek of course]

Why "of course"? I've done it. I did it for the best of reasons: to see how much I could wind up my CSM (plenty, as it turned out but that's another story)



- John
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