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Shaving ad collection?

Gents, I have developed a fascination with vintage shaving soap ads. It's too expensive to actually start collecting them, but maybe I can get some good scans? I found a vintage ad site, but they aren't high definition. Does anybody know a source? I am especially interested in shave stick ads. Those little containers are so cool, I must have one!

Two things I learned from recent browsing. The 5 o'clock shadow ink label is from a vintage ad (thought it was new artwork), and creams were originally face-lathered (applied directly to the brush).

Wow there are some cool ads on there. Thanks for the link. I wish I could help more with your shave search. Maybe try contacting some of the companies still in business directly, I'm sure they have some old stuff on archive.
Vlad, I also have been after some of those ads to frame (to put up in my shave den). I went to your site and picked one that was clickable (not all of them are) and saved it. From there, I printed it. It came out fine, filling the entire 8.5x11 page and it's totally readable. The picture I took of the page doesn't do it justice. Oh well, it won't let me upload the picture (although I've done so in the past without having to resize)--It says I have to resize, and I don't know how.
That's been my latest AD. So far I have about 20 ads. I found them all on the bay. I ordered my last ads today. They are all original from the Saturday Evening Post and I tried to stay with late 30's- early 40's. Mostly Barbasol, but a few Williams, Rapid-Shave, Durham Razors, and Gem razor ads.

I found some really inexpensive frames from Wal Mart that actually fit the larger rectangular ads. My den is still unfinished, but you get the gist...the reflection in the mirror is the back wall.

Oh , this is great thanks, i Love this old stuff, i have it in my shave corner-------its amazing to see things from the past, i am going to look at them tonight----------Oh man my wifes not going to like more on the wall, LOL


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While you are at the antique store looking to satisfy your latest razor AD, look for old magazines (a potential AD in its own right). You can find the ads there, in their original form, and often in good shape, and for a lot less than on eBay. Scan them for posterity, and then have them framed or laminated. More time, but worth it if you enjoy the hunt.

Nice shave den pics, by the way! :thumbup:
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