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shaving 2x day - dilemma

My dilemma: Like most of us, I prefer to start my day off with a clean shave. However by late evening I've built up a good amount of prickly stubble. My girlfriend prefers me clean & smooth before we sleep :001_wub:. But I can't shave again. I'm just getting my technique to the point of no irritation or burn, but my face won't stand up to the ritual twice in 24 hours. Any brilliant solutions?
Get the :001_wub: done before work. That way she can have you smooth faced and you can have a smile on your face all day! :wink2:

If that does not help then you could also grab a bit of :001_wub: in your lunch hour. Come bed time she will be too tired to care whether of not your face is smooth and you can get a good night's sleep ready for the ritual agin the next day!

Everyone is happy. :001_tongu
If I have to choose between being clean shaven in the a.m. and :001_wub: I choose the :001_wub:
Shave in the evening before bed. :wink2:
Have you tried gaffing off the morning shave a little? Do one less pass than usual or don't go ATG; your co-workers won't notice the difference, and you face will be primed for that aggressive evening shave!
1 WTG pass in the morning and a second shave at night. This is exactly what i do when I want to shave more than once in 24 hours.

However, weekdays I wake up pretty early (0445) and go to sleep pretty late (~12) so I typically on do this on a weekend when i can sleep in a bit.
Have you tried gaffing off the morning shave a little? Do one less pass than usual or don't go ATG; your co-workers won't notice the difference, and you face will be primed for that aggressive evening shave!

Good idea...single pass in the morning, perfect all-out shave in the evening.

The things we men do for the :001_wub: .
Much as I appreciate all the advice, I'll go with this one...

Have you tried gaffing off the morning shave a little? Do one less pass than usual or don't go ATG; your co-workers won't notice the difference, and you face will be primed for that aggressive evening shave!

... with hopes of preserving my face... as well as my :001_wub:. And avoiding ... :boat:.
Speak only for yourself. :a29:


Also, I'd go with a very light 1 or 2 pass shave in the morning with a DE... Then again, my straight shaves last me till 7 or 8 o clock most of the time. :001_tt2: Just kidding, I'm not sure if they last that long. The girl who got me my straight was gone before I could master the technique. But it still feels smooth around 5 - much smoother than my DE shaves, which I never quite mastered.
Speak only for yourself. :a29:

Well, I am still in the honeymoon stage so this is more a prediction than speaking from experience. I have, however, been assured by my married colleagues that all good things come to an end...

Right now, I still get a detailed inspection after each shave.
Well, I am still in the honeymoon stage so this is more a prediction than speaking from experience. I have, however, been assured by my married colleagues that all good things come to an end...

Right now, I still get a detailed inspection after each shave.

it's the jellybean principle:
for every :001_wub: in your first two years of marriage, put a jellybean in a jar. from the third year onward, every :001_wub: gets one jellybean taken out of the jar. the joke goes that no man has ever emptied the jar. :lol:
Seriously dude, if she is this uptight now, you are never going to get any later.
Find a girl who appreciates a little stubble now and then, and you for who you are.
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