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Shavemac Basic D01

I have seen a lot of customs, but does anyone have the basic Shavemac D01 brush? I like a small brush and the 18mm only runs $105...

Any help would be great
You can email Bernd and have him make one with whatever loft you want, and I don't think it would cost any extra. Then you'd have a custom brush of sorts. It would be wonderful, I'm sure.

You can email Bernd and have him make one with whatever loft you want, and I don't think it would cost any extra. Then you'd have a custom brush of sorts. It would be wonderful, I'm sure.



There's no extra charge for a custom. You can order the $105 D01 brush and just specify it with a shorter loft (I would recommend 45mm)
The service from Shavemac is really excellent. I'll just throw this out there, and it's merely my opinion. An 18mm knot with a 45mm loft is a very small brush. I love short lofts and have several 44-47mm loft brushes, but I've used an 18mm with a 46mm loft and it was not very impressive. The density is just not there in the sub 19mm knots. I am not satisfied with less than a 21mm knot in these lofts, but that is me. Additionally, in this size(18/45) please consider the head shape carefully. A fan would be preferable to a bulb which would feel like a toy in that small brush. The tip of the bulb would simply not hold up to lathering very well. Simply put, smaller knot=smaller, pointier tip. YMMV of course and you know your preferences where I do not. This is just my casual experience.
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