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Shave with cartridge and clean up with DE?!

So this week Ive been on vacation and not having to be shaved - I took the opportunity to just practice on my DE every evening and not clean up with my fusion so I could have more stubble to practice on the next night as well (still a noobie). Well - I've only been using DE a few weeks and progressing slowly so on certain places on my face like my mustache I was getting a decent shave, other places I still had alot of stubble. Needless to say I was pretty stubbly tonight and did a few passes with my Merkur HD (w feather) and since Im going out tomorrow I whipped out the Fusion to clean up and be cleaned shaven. Well, the fusion cut through my stubble pretty well, but theres always been places where it dosent get BBS like the side of my lip - im guessing b/c of the pivot and design of the cartridge razor.

Then I got the idea - since my HD has more control and I kind of understand how it works, I whipped it out again to clean up my fusion clean up pass - to my surprise - the HD was making a much "cleaner" pass with my smooth face - really gliding over my face and taking a clean trail of lather leaving only skin behind which surprised me because on certain areas where I havent quite mastered the angle I usually get a more muddied path of lather/skin. Any ideas why the pass was "cleaner" after I had reduced my beard with the fusion? Also - I was able to cut through tiny stubble that fusion always leaves behind - even though I wasnt able to reduce the same stubble with my HD earlier. Could this be because I havent been following the grain as well as I should when I did my first passes with the HD, but once it was already cut down sufficiently I could finish it off with an ATG with my HD?? Any ideas??
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