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Shave shopping

Shaving has changed my life.

I used to hate to shop. I always seemed to have better things to do than wander around a store. If I needed something, in and out, complete the mission.

I used to hate to shave.

But things have changed for me - all because of a DE Merkur, a Dreadnought brush and a tube of Proraso.

Not only am I a new and completely different man in the morning after my shave, but I now like to shop. For anything shaving related. I'm always on the hunt for a new cream to start my morning off right.

And I now love to shave.

So here is my question:

I am going to be visiting the Charlotte, NC area over the Labor Day weekend. Any establishments in that area worth a visit for some shave shopping??? An Art of Shaving is easy enough to find thru a quick map search. But anyone know of any places carrying some shave soaps or creams etc in the Charlotte area? A place to browse, or drop a few bucks and take home a new soap or cream?

Any advice is much appreciated.....


Needs milk and a bidet!
Can't help you with the Charlotte, NC.

But I know exactly what you are talking about with shopping. I was the same way and still am EXCEPT for shaving stuff. No matter how many times a week I go to walmart/target/walgreens, ect. I never fail to stroll down the shaving aisle.

and my curiosity has got me going in stores I would have never gone in before this hobby started. I was at the mall a few weeks ago and passed an Ulta, the old me would have walked right past, the new me thinks "hmm wonder if they have any shaving stuff"...sure enough, complete line of AoS, Jack Black, and other "high end" mens grooming stuff.

Same with Crabtree & Evelyn....last week walked past the store and I had this feeling like I heard or read about them having a line of shaving soap, stopped in and bingo 50% off sale.

I'm even stopping in to the small mom & pop stores and corner pharmacies asking if they have mens grooming items.
Sorry I can't help you with NC. I'm sure you'll find something good though!

Can't help you with the Charlotte, NC.

But I know exactly what you are talking about with shopping. I was the same way and still am EXCEPT for shaving stuff. No matter how many times a week I go to walmart/target/walgreens, ect. I never fail to stroll down the shaving aisle.

and my curiosity has got me going in stores I would have never gone in before this hobby started. I was at the mall a few weeks ago and passed an Ulta, the old me would have walked right past, the new me thinks "hmm wonder if they have any shaving stuff"...sure enough, complete line of AoS, Jack Black, and other "high end" mens grooming stuff.

Same with Crabtree & Evelyn....last week walked past the store and I had this feeling like I heard or read about them having a line of shaving soap, stopped in and bingo 50% off sale.

I'm even stopping in to the small mom & pop stores and corner pharmacies asking if they have mens grooming items.

I didn't know about Ulta! I know where my next stop is. I think I've checked every grocery store and chain drug store in town.

Just in the last month a new mom and pop pharmacy opened downtown. I believe it's the only non-chain store in town. I had a feeling they might stock some stuff I hadn't seen elsewhere, and sure enough I managed to get a pack of Gem SE and a pack of Schick Injecter blades, which I hadn't been able to find anywhere else.
Oh man. That is me exactly. I check out every store I run into. I was down in DC last weekend and checked out a Safeway. They had nuthin! But I have found that just because one store location doesn't have anything, it doesn't mean another one won't. Just last week I was at lunch and pulled into a CVS on my way back to work. Lo' and behold they had a Van der Hagen boar brush!! So I got a little $7 gift for myself. I like that brush a lot! I used it as my travel brush to DC the following weekend.

And even though we have the worst Walmart in the world in my neck of the woods...they have nothing but cartridges and cans of foam....I too will take a stroll down that aisle. Cause ya' never know!! If there is any chance you might have a cream or soap or a brush, or even blades, I'll stop in and check things out. It drives my wife crazy!!! She wants to know how many brushes and creams a guy needs. I told her I didn't know, but when I got to that number we would find out together.

Yesterday an Amazon box arrived with some shave goodies for me. Including TOBS grapefruit cream, which I'm going to review. And right now there's a UPS box on my front porch with a bottle of Royall Lyme in it. She's gonna kill me....
Too funny. I just went into a store I have never visited before (and I have been living by it for 5 years) just to see if they had any shaving supplies. I completely get what you are saying. I have been in more drugstores in the last week than I have been in the last year.
So to finish the story about my wife going to kill me because of all the shave goodies I have been collecting as i talked about in my original post.

When I got home the UPS box with my Royall Lyme wasn't on my porch. I quickly realized that this was problematic because my wife was also now home. So if it suddenly arrived, she would definitely know I got another package.

A little bit later she was outside with me in the front yard helping me cut the grass. Wouldn't ya' know it, the UPS truck coasts by. It stopped at my neighbors instead of in front of our house so I casually made my way down the curb with the weed eater - to meet the UPS guy as far away from where my wife was mowing as possible.

Sure enough the guy jumps off the truck and starts walking my way. I meet him in the street. I tell him, "Geez buddy. I was really hoping that you would deliver this before she got home." He chuckled and said he almost missed my house.

I take my box and tuck it under my arm and make a bee-line back for the yard. I didn't even make it to the curb. She didn't even give me the dignity of shutting off the mower before she started the interrogation. "What now?!" Over the roar of the mower. I know the UPS guy heard it. I know my whole block heard it. I just kept walking. "What now?!" a second time, in case I didn't hear her over that mower.

i just waved her off. What else could I do? Take my beating right out in the front yard - for my neighbors to enjoy? No. Of course not. So I took her out to dinner. I even shaved so I could try out my Royall Lyme. She'd forget all about what I bought when she smelled how nice my new purchase was sure to be.

She didn't forget. And apparently she thinks my Royall Lyme smells like bug spray. I'm going to wear it every day ;)
Well I hope you all do better than I can in Australia. Things are quite hopeless here shop wise. All my purchases are online.


Needs milk and a bidet!
So to finish the story about my wife going to kill me because of all the shave goodies I have been collecting as i talked about in my original post.

When I got home the UPS box with my Royall Lyme wasn't on my porch. I quickly realized that this was problematic because my wife was also now home. So if it suddenly arrived, she would definitely know I got another package.

A little bit later she was outside with me in the front yard helping me cut the grass. Wouldn't ya' know it, the UPS truck coasts by. It stopped at my neighbors instead of in front of our house so I casually made my way down the curb with the weed eater - to meet the UPS guy as far away from where my wife was mowing as possible.

Sure enough the guy jumps off the truck and starts walking my way. I meet him in the street. I tell him, "Geez buddy. I was really hoping that you would deliver this before she got home." He chuckled and said he almost missed my house.

I take my box and tuck it under my arm and make a bee-line back for the yard. I didn't even make it to the curb. She didn't even give me the dignity of shutting off the mower before she started the interrogation. "What now?!" Over the roar of the mower. I know the UPS guy heard it. I know my whole block heard it. I just kept walking. "What now?!" a second time, in case I didn't hear her over that mower.

i just waved her off. What else could I do? Take my beating right out in the front yard - for my neighbors to enjoy? No. Of course not. So I took her out to dinner. I even shaved so I could try out my Royall Lyme. She'd forget all about what I bought when she smelled how nice my new purchase was sure to be.

She didn't forget. And apparently she thinks my Royall Lyme smells like bug spray. I'm going to wear it every day ;)
What now!?

haha. if only I had the power of "custom title"
I'm not familiar with Charlotte but I would check to see if they have any Indian markets. I was able to get cheap alum blocks at one in my area and another carries the Schulton Old Spice shaving cream.
So to finish the story about my wife going to kill me because of all the shave goodies I have been collecting as i talked about in my original post.

When I got home the UPS box with my Royall Lyme wasn't on my porch. I quickly realized that this was problematic because my wife was also now home. So if it suddenly arrived, she would definitely know I got another package.

A little bit later she was outside with me in the front yard helping me cut the grass. Wouldn't ya' know it, the UPS truck coasts by. It stopped at my neighbors instead of in front of our house so I casually made my way down the curb with the weed eater - to meet the UPS guy as far away from where my wife was mowing as possible.

Sure enough the guy jumps off the truck and starts walking my way. I meet him in the street. I tell him, "Geez buddy. I was really hoping that you would deliver this before she got home." He chuckled and said he almost missed my house.

I take my box and tuck it under my arm and make a bee-line back for the yard. I didn't even make it to the curb. She didn't even give me the dignity of shutting off the mower before she started the interrogation. "What now?!" Over the roar of the mower. I know the UPS guy heard it. I know my whole block heard it. I just kept walking. "What now?!" a second time, in case I didn't hear her over that mower.

i just waved her off. What else could I do? Take my beating right out in the front yard - for my neighbors to enjoy? No. Of course not. So I took her out to dinner. I even shaved so I could try out my Royall Lyme. She'd forget all about what I bought when she smelled how nice my new purchase was sure to be.

She didn't forget. And apparently she thinks my Royall Lyme smells like bug spray. I'm going to wear it every day ;)

Nice to know I'm not the only one who hopes my wife misses the packages delivered to me so I can avoid interrogations. I try to make small orders so they leave them in the mailbox and she never gets the mail.
We really don't have anything here that you can go and visit other than an Art of Shaving in the Southpark mall. Queen Charlotte Soaps is here but they do not have a store front or a place to come and browse.
I'm in the same boat. My wife and I actually spent half a day on our vacation going to antique shops. If she had suggested we go antiqueing a year ago I would have looked at her like she had three eyes. But she's actually ok with all this because she gets to go shopping without me complaining. I've lived in this town my whole life and never went in the local mom and pop pharmacy until last week. I was pleased to find that I have a local source for injector blades.
Ethnic markets are a great idea! Hadn't thought of those. No store too small!

Oh yes. Antique stores are now on my radar. You know what else is?! Craft shows! They'll be starting soon. She's gonna think I lost my mind when I say I want to go to one of those. I'm just wondering how long it will take her to figure out that I'm doing it so I can go to the pottery stands looking for mugs and scuttles and to others looking for soap??

All part of my sinister plan......
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