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Shave Secret, luck, courage

Is Shave Secret really this good?

The Backstory:

I overheard some guys at work (with shaved heads) talking about Shave Secret (the $5 oil from Walmart) and what a miracle this stuff is. So I got a bottle to try out and while I was reading up on it I discovered some posts about Shave Secret here on B&B. I put in a huge amount of hours and dollars here and came completely over to the DE fold.

In the mean time (while my DE equipment and supplies were being shipped) I used Shave Secret with my Mach 3 for a week. I got the best shaves I've had in years. But then all my new toys arrived and I started in on traditional DE/Wet Shaving and forgot all about Shave Secret.

The DE conversion:

I've been at it (DE) for 3 weeks now. I think I did a good job of research, put a good kit together, read the newbie FAQ's, Kyle's Prep, watched the Mantic vids obsessively. And I've gotten some very good shaves (better than the Mach 3) but nothing spectacular. I've been using Merkur HD, Derby Extras, Tabac or Proraso Cream, Witch Hazel and then Nivea ASB. Usually 3 passes WTG, XTG, XTG and a bit of cleaning up rough spots.

I've only had 2 small setbacks: both times semi-ATG on my jawline that left mild razor burn that cleared up within 2 days. I haven't even had the courage to remotely try ATG anywhere else. I've been religiously following the advice of not changing anything in the setup so that I can get my technique down.

The Eureka Moment:

Today, on a whim I grabbed the Shave Secret. Put it on right at the end of a shower and when I got out I ignored the brush soaking in my bowl, picked up the Merkur HD with a 3rd shave Derby Extra in it and put the thing to my face. Smooth. Really smooth. 4 passes, my first full ATG pass on my entire face. Lots and LOTS of buffing to really polish up any rough spots. The end result wasn't quite BBS everywhere, but it was definitely a DFS with BBS in a lot of spots, and the best finish ever on my personal trouble spot of the lower neck. No irritation whatsoever. Didn't even feel like I needed an ASB, but I put on witch hazel and Nivea just so I can accurately compare by only changing the one variable.

I finish up with this stupid grin on my face as I run my fingers over my virginal cheeks and I'm staring at my brush and jar of Tabac with utter confusion. That's a really expensive brush. And Tabac is cheap but I could just as easily be staring at a jar of C&F Lime at $35 a jar (a purchase I was considering just for the smell).

So did I just get lucky? Is Shave Secret THAT good (I used 6 DROPS. Six! For the whole damn shave!) Are other shave oils this effective? Are there some guys that oils just work perfect for and no soap or cream will get close? Did I just finally get the technique/courage combination down and I would have had the same results with a traditional lather?

I'm in a bit of disbelief now... but every time my hand wanders to my face I can't deny the results.

What now?
I'm proablby going to have to duck flying straight razors and scuttles for the next two weeks, but If it aint broke don't fix it. If you're getting orgasmic shaves with oil and a de, stick with it. Perfect your de tecnique with the oil, and maybe come back to soaps creams and brushes when you know your weilding the hd like a samurai.
...If it ain't broke don't fix it. I didn't know it was broke. I don't want my brush and soap to be broke. But there's no denying results and the shave oil alone gave me a much better shave.

I'm trying to figure out why I don't have that same superb level of slick protection from either Tabac or Proraso. I'm reasonably certain that my lather is good. I did the Mantic recommended method of making several practice lathers going from too dry, through the good stage and then diluted out until it was too wet so I'd have a good feel for it. And both Proraso and Tabac are overwhelmingly approved of here at B&B (it's why I chose them as my starter set) so I don't think it's the products I'm using.

I don't want to give up on lather just yet. I feel I haven't given it a fair shot, and the whole process (scents, feel of the brush, zen-like aspect of making lather, etc) is just so plain enjoyable. I'd LOVE to combine the shave I had today with lather.. but putting soap of any kind on top of an oil, not to mention scrubbing it with a brush, will just wash the oil into my soap and then the protective layer I'm awed by will be gone. I'm sure that's why so many people find oil as a pre-shave to be only so-so at best.

Plus... Shave Secret is heavy on the Clove Oil, so I smell like an especially spicy pumpkin pie. Why, oh why can't it smell like lime?
I use my Shave Secret from time to time. My advice would be to use it for a solid week or so you have a better idea of how it will work for you. One great shave does not a perfect setup make. Not that I'm putting the stuff down. I do like it.
...If it ain't broke don't fix it. I didn't know it was broke. I don't want my brush and soap to be broke. But there's no denying results and the shave oil alone gave me a much better shave.

I'm trying to figure out why I don't have that same superb level of slick protection from either Tabac or Proraso. I'm reasonably certain that my lather is good. I did the Mantic recommended method of making several practice lathers going from too dry, through the good stage and then diluted out until it was too wet so I'd have a good feel for it. And both Proraso and Tabac are overwhelmingly approved of here at B&B (it's why I chose them as my starter set) so I don't think it's the products I'm using.

I don't want to give up on lather just yet. I feel I haven't given it a fair shot, and the whole process (scents, feel of the brush, zen-like aspect of making lather, etc) is just so plain enjoyable. I'd LOVE to combine the shave I had today with lather.. but putting soap of any kind on top of an oil, not to mention scrubbing it with a brush, will just wash the oil into my soap and then the protective layer I'm awed by will be gone. I'm sure that's why so many people find oil as a pre-shave to be only so-so at best.

Plus... Shave Secret is heavy on the Clove Oil, so I smell like an especially spicy pumpkin pie. Why, oh why can't it smell like lime?

Step back. What i meant by'if it aint broke', is that you're sitting here telling me you're getting the best shaves you've ever had, using a shave oil. correct? If thats the case, i don't understand why you've got such a big problem with that. Just because many of us use brushes soaps and creams, doesn't mean you have to fit that mold.

what i recommended, was to try using only shave oil for a week or two. This will give you time to hone your skills with the de. If you feel that your lather is good, yet your not satisfied with the lube or protection, i'm almost certain it has to do with your shaving technique(angle and pressure). I've gotten fantastic lather out of proraso and much more inexpensive soaps than tabac.

The time off will also serve you the dual purpose of comming back to lathering with a new perspective. Mantics videos are a good guidline, but to be honest, i didn't really perfect my lather till about 3 or 4 months into using soaps.

also, if this post comes off as agressive in any way, please , thats not where i'm coming from, i'm just trying to understand what exactly you want to gain out of the shave.
Then again, there are a select few who feel the same way you do right now, regardless of what is done, they come back to a shave oil.
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I, personally, don't care for Shave Secret. Although it does a good job of protecting my skin, it does so at the expense of slickness and does not allow me a very close shave. I've tried it numerous times with the same result. My razor does not glide smoothly with it and I end up having to apply pressure to get my razor to somewhat slide. If it works for you, that's good, but I prefer a slick shaving lather.

I use Shave Secret as a preshave oil. Never used it to shave without lathering up. To me it does help with the shave.
Shave Secret gives a great shave when used as directed, however, it clogs my razor something fierce. I have to throw away the blade after each shave and break down the razor and give it a good scrubbing each and every time.

I find it better to use it as an ADDITIVE to either lather or ASB.

That being said, though, I rarely use it. I have an unopened bottle in my closet which will probably wind up being PIFed out with a starter kit.

Of the PSOs that I've tried so far, T&H is the best I've sampled so far, with AoS being a runner-up. I'm working my way through a 1oz bottle of Bigelow's #1197, which also does a decent job.

When I can score some T&H PSO at a decent price, I'll buy some. Until then, I'll use up my Bigelow's until its gone, and probably just do without a PSO.
I took the advice offered here (Via PM... seems like some of you are shy?) and shaved just as aggressively today as yesterday using a nice Proraso lather instead of shave secret. All other factors were the same except a new Derby Extra.

I took cake to get a really good slick lather and then did four full passes including a full face ATG and quite a bit of buffing. (Same witch hazel and Nivea finish) It's a really good shave. Probably DFS. And like yesterday it's not quite BBS in some spots. I did have about 3 nicks (all on the lower neck) which might be attributable to a new/sharper blade (staunched and cleaned well with witch hazel alone). Although being new at this, it actually makes more sense to blame my technique than any product.

My interim conclusion is that while Shave Secret allows a great shave.... It's definitely possible for me to get quite similar results with other products (tomorrow the experiment continues with Tabac). So it's all about technique. And if the shave can be the same regardless I'll stick with a brush and lather (purely for the enjoyment) at home... but at work I'm going to stash a Super Speed and some Shave Secret because it's fast and easy.

EDIT: 8 hours post shave. Ouch. Major razor burn on the neck and the shave "faded" much faster. In my 2 day experiment I'm seeing Shave Secret come out ahead. Unfortunately I won't be able to try the exact same style shave (4 passes with a full ATG) tomorrow. Too much razor burn for that. WTG and some mile XTG only tomorrow, but I'm going to give Shave Secret another try by itself.
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Shave Secret gives a great shave when used as directed, however, it clogs my razor something fierce. I have to throw away the blade after each shave and break down the razor and give it a good scrubbing each and every time.

I find it better to use it as an ADDITIVE to either lather or ASB.

I noticed the goop on my razor too. It seemed to come off decently with just a really hot water rinse... but when I took apart the razor to switch blades I noticed that it was still coating the inside. So that's a definite negative.

As an additive, do you notice that it changes the lather? In general, any oil should theoretically degrade a soap lather.
Of the PSOs that I've tried so far, T&H is the best I've sampled so far, with AoS being a runner-up. I'm working my way through a 1oz bottle of Bigelow's #1197, which also does a decent job....


I didn't really notice much benefit from T&H PSO. I didn't dislike it, but I don't know that it helped much.

One day I accidentally applied Castle Forbes AFTERSHAVE BALM prior to shaving, thinking it was a preshave product. I got an amazingly smooth shave that day. Could've been a coincidence.
I've had mixed results with it. I've never used it by itself though. I've always put soap on after applying. Sometimes it works well, other times not so much. I'd rather not take the chance. Plus, I'm not a big menthol fan.
I love Shave Secret. I tried other oils (Musgo, King of Shaves Kinexium, etc.), but Shave Secret is awesome. Great hint: if the blade is dragging a bit, just splash on some water. The Shave Secret once again gets all slick with just a bit of water.

I bought mine at Wal-Mart, of all places, and I'm terrified they'll yank it from the shelves. It's true: 5-6 drops is all you need!!!
Does anyone know what kind of oil the SS is? I've read an article by a guy claiming that all shave creams are a racket. Now he only refers to the canned stuff, but he takes some pretty hard blows against lathered products in general. He advocates shaving your face with Baby or Mineral Oils instead. What do you all think?
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Found this on the web:

CDM: What type of oils are used in Shave Secret?

CH: Shave Secret is a blend of all-natural base oils—seeds and nuts that are used as a carrier—and the essential botanical oils. There’s also natural fragrance oil and pharmaceutical grade menthol, but no fillers or petroleum products. It’s an expensive blend that’s proprietary to us.
Does anyone know what kind of oil the SS is? I've read an article by a guy claiming that all shave creams are a racket. Now he only refers to the canned stuff, but he takes some pretty hard blows against lathered products in general. He advocates shaving your face with Baby or Mineral Oils instead. What do you all think?

I don't think mineral oil is recommended for this type of application.
I noticed the goop on my razor too. It seemed to come off decently with just a really hot water rinse... but when I took apart the razor to switch blades I noticed that it was still coating the inside. So that's a definite negative.

As an additive, do you notice that it changes the lather? In general, any oil should theoretically degrade a soap lather.

I have found Shave Secret to be a very good product, despite my initial prejudices. I was completely ready to call "bogus" when I followed the instructions exactly - how can oil alone possibly work!?! Amazingly (or maybe not so amazingly), it shaved well.

I have used it as pre-shave under lather, and the lather sticks to it well without too much degradation. I don't use it regularly, but it is good!
right before I began wet shaving with a straight I was trying out shave secret. I had decent results with my disposables. I actually began shaving more than once a month. I soon moved on to better things. However I do sometimes use a few drops of it in my palm with my AS. It feels real nice on my neck if it gets a little rash.
It sounds to me that this stuff would be especially good for those who shave around wanted facial hair; i.e. mustache, beard, van dyke, etc.

Basically use your regular lather to shave the bulk of your whiskers, rinse, and use shave secret around what you want to keep. It should allow you to clearly see the edge of your keepers and facilitate better blade placement.

I occasionally sport a van dyke and shaving around it can be a pain unless I rinse most of the lather off so I can get a perfectly balanced shape. (Yes, I'm meticulous... that's why I'm here :wink:) The only problem, of course, was the resulting irritation.

I'll keep this stuff in mind the next time my SWMBO lets me go "furry".
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